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    Attack damage

    Attack damage This article is out of date. Please update this article to reflect new information available.
    • Last updated: V4.21.

    Attack damage (o AD Attack Damage) directly increases the physical damage of a unit's basic attacks and also improves the damage of some champions' abilities. Each champion starts out with some basic attack damage that increases at each level. Additionally, various champion items and abilities, as well as spells, upgrades, runes, and masteries grant bonus attack damage. A champion's total attack damage is the basic attack damage plus the bonus attack damage.

    This statistic accumulates additively under most circumstances. When there are percentage attack damage bonuses, they are added first if there are multiple sources and then multiplied to the champion's total attack damage.

    At 18th level, the basic attack damage ranges from 84.8 (Attack damage Orianna) to 139 (Attack damage Mega Gnar).

    Attack damage has a theoretical gold value of 36g per unit. This means that the Attack damage Greatsword and Attack damage Picacha are the most profitable core AD objects, with a gold / AD rate of 31 and 35 respectively. The costs of these stats are always offset by the increased final costs of your upgraded items, so Attack damage La Sanguinaria and the Attack damage Infinity Edge still cover expenses at 36 gold every 1 AD.


    Increasing attack damage


    Main article: Attack damage items

    Champion Skills

    Please note: Only the additional attack damage effect of these skills is shown, to read more information about each of these skills, follow the link for each one.

    • Attack damage Unwavering Will of Attack damage Alistar increases his attack damage by 60/75/90 for 7 seconds.
    • Attack damage masochism of Attack damage Dr. Mundo increases his attack damage by 40/55/70/85/100 plus 0.4 / 0.55 / 0.7 / 0.85 / 1 for every 1% of his life lost for 5 seconds.
    • Raising Morale Raising Morale Attack damage Gangplank passively increases his attack damage by 8/10/12/14 / 16. He can activate this ability to increase his attack damage instead by 12/19/26/33/40 and the attack damage of nearby allied champions. in half that amount for 7 seconds.
    • Attack damage War Trail of Attack damage Hecarim passively gains attack damage equal to 15 - 30 (based on level)% of his bonus movement speed.
    • Attack damage Eye of the Storm Attack damage Janna increases a friendly unit's attack damage by 14/23/32/41/50 (+ 10% AP) for 5 seconds or until the shield is broken.
    • Brutal Attacks Brutal Attacks of Attack damage Malphite increases his attack damage by 20/25/30/35/40% for 6 seconds.
    • Attack damage Estilo Wuju de Attack damage Master Yi passively increases his attack damage by 10% of his attack damage when the ability is not on cooldown.
    • Attack damage Fury of the Sands Attack damage Nasus grants him 6.375% of the damage he deals as Attack Damage.
    • Attack damage Duskbringer of Attack damage Nocturne grants him 15/25/35/45/55 attack damage as long as he is in the path created by the ability.
    • Paragon of Demacia Paragon of Demacia of Attack damage Poppy increases her attack damage by 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 when hit by an attack or if she hits an enemy. This buff lasts 5 seconds and stacks up to 10 times. She can activate this ability to gain maximum stacks.
    • Attack damage Spike Shell Attack damage Rammus passively increases his attack damage by 25% of his armor.
    • Empowered Fierceness Empowered Fierceness of Attack damage Rengar increases his attack damage by 10% for 5 seconds.
    • Attack damage Sword of Exile by Attack damage Riven increases her attack damage by 20% for 15 seconds.
    • Attack damage Glow of Attack damage Taric increases his attack damage by 30/50/70 and half that to nearby allied champions for 10 seconds.
    • Attack damage Chew on Attack damage Trundle increases his attack damage by 20/25/30/35/40 for 8 seconds.
    • Attack damage Bloodlust of Attack damage Tryndamere passively increases his attack damage by 5/10/15/20/25 plus 0.15 / 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.35 for every 1% of his maximum health lost.
    • Ra-ta-ta-ta Ra-ta-ta-ta de Attack damage Twitch increases his attack damage by 20/28/36 for 7 seconds.
    • Attack damage End time of Attack damage Vayne increases her attack damage by 30/50/70 for 8/10/12 seconds.
    • Attack damage Living Shadow of Attack damage Zed passively increases his bonus attack power by 5/10/15/20/25%.

    Master Degrees

    • Brute Force Brute Force increases your champion's attack damage by 0.22 / 0.44 / 0.66 per level (4/8/12 bonus attack damage at level 18).
    • Martial Mastery Martial Mastery increases your champion's attack damage by 4.


    • The Might and Strength runes increase attack damage.
    Name Type Grade 1 (Minor) Grade 2 (Normal) Grade 3 (Major)

    (Attack damage per level)


    Attack damage

    0.06 per level (1.45)

    30 Attack damage

    0.08 per level (1.94)

    165 Attack damage

    0.13 per level (2.34)

    410 Attack damage


    Attack damage

    0.03 per level (0.72)

    15 Attack damage

    0.04 per level (0.98)

    80 Attack damage

    0.06 per level (1.08)

    205 Attack damage


    Attack damage

    0.02 per level (0.48)

    30 Attack damage

    0.03 per level (0.57)

    165 Attack damage

    0.04 per level (0.73)

    410 Attack damage


    Attack damage

    0.14 per level (2.52)

    40 Attack damage

    0.19 per level (3.42)

    205 Attack damage

    0.25 per level (4.5)

    515 Attack damage


    (Attack damage)


    Attack damage


    15 Attack damage


    80 Attack damage


    205 Attack damage


    Attack damage


    15 Attack damage


    80 Attack damage


    205 Attack damage


    Attack damage


    15 Attack damage


    80 Attack damage


    205 Attack damage


    Attack damage


    80 Attack damage


    410 Attack damage


    1025 Attack damage

    Neutral improvements

    • The Hand of the Baron Hand of the Baron buff grants up to 40 attack damage and bonus ability power (scaling over game time) for 3 minutes.

    Decreasing attack damage

    Champion abilities

    Please note: Only the attack damage reduction effect of these skills is shown, to read more information about each of these skills, follow the link for each one. Effects that reduce damage taken are not the same as lowering the champion's attack damage.

    • Attack damage Mocking Scream of Attack damage Tryndamere reduces the attack damage of nearby enemy champions by 20/35/50/65/80 for 4 seconds.
    • Attack damage Chew on Attack damage Trundle reduces the opponent's attack damage by 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20 for 8 seconds.

    Champion Attack Damage List

    Main article: List of attack damage for all champions Champions with the highest and lowest base damage
    Champion level Top 5 champions Worst 5 champions
    1 level 1. Attack damage Maokai 63.54 damage 1. Attack damage Orianna 40.368 damage
    2. Attack damage Kalista 67 damage 2. Attack damage Karthus 45.66 damage
    3. Attack damage Warwick 65 damage 3. Attack damage Miss Fortune 50 damage
    4. Attack damage singed 62.32 damage 4. Attack damage Lulu 46.368 damage
    5. Attack damage Gallium 59 damage 5. Attack damage Thresh 56 damage
    4. Attack damage Jax
    4. Attack damage malphite
    18 level 1. Attack damage Mordekaiser 129 damage 1. Attack damage Miss Fortune 95.9 damage
    2. Attack damage Illaoi 153 damage 2. Attack damage Kindred 103.42 damage
    3. Attack damage Darius 149 damage 3. Attack damage Vayne 100.12 damage
    4. Attack damage Thread 142.5 damage 4. Attack damage Orianna 84.568 damage
    5. Attack damage Skarner 141.5 damage 5. Attack damage Thresh 93.4 damage


    • In addition to Attack damage Sion, who can theoretically get infinite attack damage with Attack damage Soul Furnace and Atma Impaler Atma Impaler, the highest attack damage obtainable on a champion is 1499.70 ..., in Attack damage Malphite. To reach this amount, you must:
      • Be level 18.
      • Have less than 30% life.
      • Have a Sword of the Occult Sword of the Occult fully charged, four Attack damage Bloodbath and Attack damage Maws of Malmortius.
      • Have a rune page filled with Progressive Attack Damage runes.
      • Highest level in Martial Mastery, Martial Mastery, Brute Force Brute Force, and Warlord Warlord.
      • Own upgrade Attack damage Exalted with Baron Nashor.
      • Consumed an Elixir of the Fortress Elixir of the Fortress.
      • Being affected by the auras of abilities Attack damage Glow of Attack damage Taric and Raising Morale Raising Morale by Attack damage Gangplank nearby.
      • Being affected by a teammate's aura with a Herald of Zeke Herald of Zeke.
      • Being under the influence of Attack damage Eye of the Storm cast by Attack damage Janna with maximum amount of ability power.
    This combination will result in Attack damage Malphite is 1499.70 ... AD. Relevant mathematics: Attack damage Janna AP = (180 + 120 × 4 + 137.301 + 83.16 + 16 + 6 + 40 + 40 + 35) × (1.3 × 1.05) = 1388.834265 Attack damage Malphite AD = ((110 + 80 × 4 + 95 + 50.85 + 10 + 4 + 40 + 15 + 35 + 188.8834265 + 20 + 20) × 1.05 + 117.05) × 1.4 = 1499.7081369 v · e Champions Stats

    Attack damage True Damage Critical Strike Lifesteal Armor Penetration Magic Penetration Skill Power Spell Vampirism Attack Speed ​​Movement Speed


    Armor Health Regeneration Magic Resistance Tenacity Health


    Mana Mana Regeneration Cooldown Reduction


    Experience · Gold generation · Scope

     v · Champions Statistics

    Attack damage True Damage Critical Strike Lifesteal Armor Penetration Magic Penetration Skill Power Spell Vampirism Attack Speed ​​Movement Speed


    Armor Health Regeneration Magic Resistance Tenacity Health


    Mana Mana Regeneration Cooldown Reduction


    Experience · Gold generation · Scope

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