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    " "Today we fight against, and tomorrow, maybe shoulder to shoulder."
    - Brew Brew

    Gifted with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum is a beloved Freljord hero. All the taverns north of Coldfast toast to its legendary strength; it is said that he cut down an oak forest in one night and shattered an entire mountain with a single blow. With an enchanted vault door as a shield, Braum roams the frozen north wearing a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles - a true friend to those in need.


    Heart of the Freljord

    Even when he was little, Braum was much bigger than other children in the Freljord, but his mother taught him not to use his strength to intimidate or harass others. She came from a proud family of shepherds and believed that true courage lay in the way each one used their power: not to dominate, but to protect those in need.

    When Braum was still a child, ice giants devastated a neighboring tribe. This tribe used to hunt the herds of the town of Braum, but his mother did not hesitate for a moment to cross the tundra to help the survivors, bring them furs and supply them with food and medical supplies. At first, Braum did not understand why she came to the aid of her rivals, but after her actions saved many lives, the members of that tribe became allies for life. Braum was finally able to understand what his mother meant when she said that all the inhabitants of the Freljord were a family, and from that day on, he vowed to do everything possible to keep her together.

    As Braum grew older, it became apparent that he was one of the revered Children of Ice, and despite their numerous numbers, his strength and ability to withstand the weather were legendary. He became the local hero, rescuing children sliding down frozen ravines, saving stranded travelers in the middle of snowstorms, and protecting families from devastating savage clutches. Every time he appeared, people knew that help had arrived. He was a symbol of hope, known for his liveliness and laughter, and the ease with which he made friends.

    In time, Braum realized that his presence was claimed beyond the valleys and tundra in which he had grown up. After a sad farewell to his mother, he set out on his journey through the Freljord.

    Over the years, countless stories have spread about Braum's great deeds and deeds. While most of the stories only offered a grain of truth, these stories were transformed into crazy and mythical stories, like the legend in which it was said that he had cut down an entire forest during a single night with his bare hands. Or the other in which he saved an isolated farm during a volcanic eruption, which he loaded and transported to higher ground.

    The most recent tale was about how Braum found his immense Brew ram-headed shield. According to history, this used to be the enchanted door of a vault, forged in ancient times and installed on a mountain. Braum heard wailing from within. However, he was unable to break down the door. Determined, he fought his way through the uncovered rock of the mountain to rescue the troll boy who was trapped inside. He ripped the unbreakable door, which he has carried with him ever since, from its hinges.

    As with many legends about him, Braum laughed out loud when he first heard this story. However, instead of denying these accounts, he prefers to accept them. Why would you let the truth get in the way of inspiring others to act with generosity and kindness?

    Regardless of how he obtained his shield, a short time later Braum made his way to the holy site of Rakelstake, where various tribes were gathered to hear the words of the Avarossan matriarch. Brew Ashe, who was said to be the reincarnation of Avarosa. There, he witnessed how the barbarian Brew Tryndamere, in a desperate attempt to prove himself, savagely beat up anyone who came up against him.

    As he watched, Braum noticed Tryndamere's character becoming increasingly volatile. During a duel, he was so dazed by his fury that for a moment it seemed that he would kill his opponent without hesitation, even though it was clear that he had the upper hand. After deciding that things went too far, Braum Brew stood in front of the defeated opponent and raised his Brew shield. Tryndamere pummeled the impenetrable bastion with his ax. When the barbarian's fury subsided, Braum's good humor conquered him and, sooner than expected, the pair were laughing and drinking to each other's health. Some even say that it was Braum who introduced Tryndamere to Ashe. The barbarian would marry her later, becoming her only Bloodsworn.

    Braum has no established tribal allegiances, since he views all the inhabitants of the Freljord as his brothers and sisters. Despite this, he regards Ashe as someone capable of ending the age-old squabbles between the Freljord tribes. For their part, the Avarosans have adopted it informally among their ranks. Braum's dream, as he often tells the children who idolize him, is that one day the Freljord will unite in a large family so that, then, he can retire to be a modest porous herder.

    Despite not considering anyone as his enemy, Braum has had a couple of run-ins with the Brew Ice Guard since he began to carry his shield with him. He does not understand what they have against him, or why they seem so interested in what he now carries ...

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    Champion protagonist

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    The attack

    While defending her tribe from a brutal attack, a warm young woman entrusts Braum with the safety of her little baby, before turning to face Lissandra's Ice Guard alone.

    Starring: Brew Brew

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    Kingdom (Video)


    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Brew, Brew Illaoi, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Pyke, Brew Viego, Brew Yasuo

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    Short story • 3 minute read

    The Tomb of the Troll Boy

    Por Leslee Sullivant Heintz

    "How about a bedtime story?"

    Starring: Brew Brew

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    The exploits of Braum

    In the mead corridors of the Freljord, Braum's great feats are immortalized by murals painted on the walls. On many frosty nights, the locals gather to tell their stories amidst joy and drinking!

    Starring: Brew Brew

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    Vicissitudes of a Poro

    With the Freljord winter raging and a raging battle raging around them, a brave pore bounces back and forth in search of snacks.

    Starring: Brew Brew

    Mentioned champion

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    Short story

    Below zero

    By David Slagle

    I wake up suddenly, like when a story begins in full action.

    Starring: Brew Nunu y Willump

    Mentioned: Brew Anivia, Brew Brew, Brew Lissandra, Brew Trundle

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    Tales of Runeterra

    Protagonists: N / A

    Mentioned: Brew Akali, Brew Brew, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Fiora, Brew We are, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Jinx, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Shen, Brew Thresh, Brew Twisted fate

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    The Fire under the Mountain

    By Matthew Dunn

    Mentioned: Brew Brew

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    The Magical Kitten

    By Rayla Heide

    Mentioned: Brew Brew, Brew Book, Brew Rek'Sai

    alternative universes

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    Academia Adventures: Series 1

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Akali, Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brew, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fiora, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Ivern, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Karthus, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Nidalee, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Shen, Brew Sion, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tristana, Brew Trundle, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew We, Brew yorick, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Aurelion Sol, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Dr. World, Brew trot, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fizz, Brew Gallium, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malphite, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Rammus, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Riven, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Singed, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Syndra, Brew Taliyah, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Thresh, Brew Tibbers, Brew Tristana, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Wukong, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew yorick, Brew Zac, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Quest for the Crystal: Series 1

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Brew Bard, Brew Jayce, Brew Karthus, Brew Sejuani

    Mentioned: Brew Anivia, Brew Ashe, Brew Brew, Brew Bristle, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Camille, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew We are, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Illaoi, Brew Ivern, Brew Katarina, Brew Kled, Brew Read without, Brew Lioness, Brew Lissandra, Brew Lucian, Brew Us, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Ryze, Brew Senna, Brew Singed, Brew Skaarl, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Veigar, Brew We, Brew Zac

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    Por Cassy Parkes, Marvin Clifford

    Starring: Brew Caitlyn, Brew Gangplank, Brew Zoe

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Ashe, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Brew, Brew Darius, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Irelia, Brew Jinx, Brew Kalista, Brew Katarina, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Read without, Brew Lulu, Brew Maestro Yi, Brew Us, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Shaco, Brew end, Brew Swain, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Varus, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew Zilean

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    Grips and Soles: Series 1

    By Risu

    Starring: Brew We, Brew Zyra

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Alistar, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brand, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew Diana Brew Dr. World, Brew Echo, Brew Evelynn, Brew Ezreal, Brew Gangplank, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jinx, Brew Karma, Brew Katarina, Brew Lioness, Brew Lucian, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Nunu y Willump, Brew Quinn, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Sejuani, Brew Sivir, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Soot Kench, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tibbers, Brew Trundle, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Twitch, Brew Value, Brew Varus, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew Vladimir, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Willump, Brew Wukong, Brew Zac, Brew Ziggs

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    Playtime with Gnar: Series 2

    Por Rachel J Corey

    Starring: Brew Gnar

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Azir, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew trot, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Lux, Brew Soraka, Brew We, Brew Viktor, Brew Warwick


    Mentioned champion

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    Short story

    Below zero

    By David Slagle

    I wake up suddenly, like when a story begins in full action.

    Starring: Brew Nunu y Willump

    Mentioned: Brew Anivia, Brew Brew, Brew Lissandra, Brew Trundle

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    Tales of Runeterra

    Protagonists: N / A

    Mentioned: Brew Akali, Brew Brew, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Fiora, Brew We are, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Jinx, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Shen, Brew Thresh, Brew Twisted fate

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    The Fire under the Mountain

    By Matthew Dunn

    Mentioned: Brew Brew

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    The Magical Kitten

    By Rayla Heide

    Mentioned: Brew Brew, Brew Book, Brew Rek'Sai

    alternative universes

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    Academia Adventures: Series 1

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Akali, Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brew, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fiora, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Ivern, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Karthus, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Nidalee, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Shen, Brew Sion, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tristana, Brew Trundle, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew We, Brew yorick, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Aurelion Sol, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Dr. World, Brew trot, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fizz, Brew Gallium, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malphite, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Rammus, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Riven, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Singed, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Syndra, Brew Taliyah, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Thresh, Brew Tibbers, Brew Tristana, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Wukong, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew yorick, Brew Zac, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Quest for the Crystal: Series 1

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Brew Bard, Brew Jayce, Brew Karthus, Brew Sejuani

    Mentioned: Brew Anivia, Brew Ashe, Brew Brew, Brew Bristle, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Camille, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew We are, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Illaoi, Brew Ivern, Brew Katarina, Brew Kled, Brew Read without, Brew Lioness, Brew Lissandra, Brew Lucian, Brew Us, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Ryze, Brew Senna, Brew Singed, Brew Skaarl, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Veigar, Brew We, Brew Zac

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    Por Cassy Parkes, Marvin Clifford

    Starring: Brew Caitlyn, Brew Gangplank, Brew Zoe

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Ashe, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Brew, Brew Darius, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Irelia, Brew Jinx, Brew Kalista, Brew Katarina, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Read without, Brew Lulu, Brew Maestro Yi, Brew Us, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Shaco, Brew end, Brew Swain, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Varus, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew Zilean

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    Grips and Soles: Series 1

    By Risu

    Starring: Brew We, Brew Zyra

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Alistar, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brand, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew Diana Brew Dr. World, Brew Echo, Brew Evelynn, Brew Ezreal, Brew Gangplank, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jinx, Brew Karma, Brew Katarina, Brew Lioness, Brew Lucian, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Nunu y Willump, Brew Quinn, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Sejuani, Brew Sivir, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Soot Kench, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tibbers, Brew Trundle, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Twitch, Brew Value, Brew Varus, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew Vladimir, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Willump, Brew Wukong, Brew Zac, Brew Ziggs

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    Playtime with Gnar: Series 2

    Por Rachel J Corey

    Starring: Brew Gnar

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Azir, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew trot, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Lux, Brew Soraka, Brew We, Brew Viktor, Brew Warwick


    alternative universes

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    Academia Adventures: Series 1

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Akali, Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brew, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fiora, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Ivern, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Karthus, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Nidalee, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Shen, Brew Sion, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tristana, Brew Trundle, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew We, Brew yorick, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Brew Ahri, Brew Darius, Brew Echo, Brew Vladimir

    Mentioned: Brew Amumu, Brew Anivia, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Aurelion Sol, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Cho'Gath, Brew Dr. World, Brew trot, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Fizz, Brew Gallium, Brew Gnar, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jhin, Brew Jinx, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Lulu, Brew Lux, Brew Malphite, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Rammus, Brew Rek'Sai, Brew Riven, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Shaco, Brew Singed, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Syndra, Brew Taliyah, Brew Talon, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Thresh, Brew Tibbers, Brew Tristana, Brew Twitch, Brew Urgot, Brew Varus, Brew Veigar, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Wukong, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew yorick, Brew Zac, Brew Zed, Brew Ziggs, Brew Zyra

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    Quest for the Crystal: Series 1

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Brew Bard, Brew Jayce, Brew Karthus, Brew Sejuani

    Mentioned: Brew Anivia, Brew Ashe, Brew Brew, Brew Bristle, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Camille, Brew Elise, Brew Ezreal, Brew We are, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Illaoi, Brew Ivern, Brew Katarina, Brew Kled, Brew Read without, Brew Lioness, Brew Lissandra, Brew Lucian, Brew Us, Brew Olaf, Brew Poppy, Brew Ryze, Brew Senna, Brew Singed, Brew Skaarl, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Veigar, Brew We, Brew Zac

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    Por Cassy Parkes, Marvin Clifford

    Starring: Brew Caitlyn, Brew Gangplank, Brew Zoe

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Ashe, Brew Azir, Brew Bard, Brew Brew, Brew Darius, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Irelia, Brew Jinx, Brew Kalista, Brew Katarina, Brew Kog'Maw, Brew Read without, Brew Lulu, Brew Maestro Yi, Brew Us, Brew Poppy, Brew Friend, Brew Shaco, Brew end, Brew Swain, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Varus, Brew Xayah, Brew Yasuo, Brew Zilean

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    Grips and Soles: Series 1

    By Risu

    Starring: Brew We, Brew Zyra

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Alistar, Brew Annie, Brew Ashe, Brew Blitzcrank, Brew Brand, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew Diana Brew Dr. World, Brew Echo, Brew Evelynn, Brew Ezreal, Brew Gangplank, Brew We are, Brew Gnar, Brew Gragas, Brew Graves, Brew Heimerdinger, Brew Janna, Brew Jinx, Brew Karma, Brew Katarina, Brew Lioness, Brew Lucian, Brew Malzahar, Brew Miss Fortune, Brew Us, Brew Nasus, Brew Nunu y Willump, Brew Quinn, Brew Renekton, Brew Rumble, Brew Ryze, Brew Sejuani, Brew Sivir, Brew end, Brew Soraka, Brew Soot Kench, Brew Taliyah, Brew Taric, Brew Teemo, Brew Tibbers, Brew Trundle, Brew Tryndamere, Brew Twisted Fate, Brew Twitch, Brew Value, Brew Varus, Brew Vel'Koz, Brew Vladimir, Brew Volibear, Brew Warwick, Brew Willump, Brew Wukong, Brew Zac, Brew Ziggs

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    Playtime with Gnar: Series 2

    Por Rachel J Corey

    Starring: Brew Gnar

    Mentioned: Brew Ahri, Brew Azir, Brew Brew, Brew Caitlyn, Brew Darius, Brew trot, Brew Fiddlesticks, Brew Lux, Brew Soraka, Brew We, Brew Viktor, Brew Warwick


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