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    Champion Mastery

    Champion Mastery

    Champion Mastery is a progression system that tracks a player's fitness and experience with each champion. [1] At the end of each game, players receive a rating that scores their performance against the entire player base in that respective champion and position combination. . These ratings then translate into a score that accumulates over time, eventually unlocking new levels of champion mastery and style as the player progresses through the system.

    The system was added in NA in V5.6, eventually to all servers by V5.8. Champion Mastery is free to all players, The Eternals was later added as a premium Champion Mastery system.

    Riot's official support page for Champion Mastery can be found here.




    The player is eligible for Champion points (CP) When you have at least summoner level 5, these are obtained in matched games of:

    • PvP Champion Mastery Summoner's Rift (Hidden Selection, Recruitment, Ranked)
    • PvP Champion Mastery Howling Abyss
    • All Champion Mastery Modos de juego destacados ([[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/Ascension|Ascension]], Champion Mastery Ultra Rapid Fire, [[File:Plantilla:Tip data/One for all|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/One for all]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/One for all|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/One for all]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/One for all|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/One for all]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/One for all|One for All]], etc ...)


    Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    Qualification score

    After an eligible game, a given player receives a rating based on their performance compared to all other players in the region who have played the champion position combination (for example, Champion Mastery Vel'Koz lane Champion Mastery bottom lane will only be compared to other players in the bottom lane of Vel'Koz). [2]

    Ratings are issued per match, a higher rating is worth more champion points. The possible grades are (from highest to lowest): S +, S, S-, A +, A, A-, B +, B, B-, C +, C, C-, D +, D, D-.


    • While you are ranked compared to "all" players in your region, the ranking system is not affected by your matchmaking rating (MMR). Note that it is still possible for low-rating players to consistently get S + if they are really good with a champion. [3]
    • Performance uses a combination of basic in-game metrics that Riot is confident cannot be abused through means such as AFK farming or spam protection. [4]
    • Riot will not disclose the exact factors that determine the ranking to prevent players from attempting to play with the system. [5]

    Champion Points

    Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    Champion Mastery displayed in the Champion Collection

    Champion Mastery is currently distinguished into 7 levels, the first 5 of which are achieved at the champion point thresholds. While a higher rating is worth more points, the number of points earned is also influenced by team performance and group size ("ready-made bonus"). Team performance "is" affected by whether or not the team wins.

    Champion points are accumulated by the champion that has been played. Champion point progress is logged in the Champion section of the Collection tab. Champion Points are also called "Mastery Points".

    Champion Mastery

    The pre-made bonus is awarded based on group size: [6]

    Precast size Bonus pre-made
    Group of one No bonus
    Group of two 2% CP earned
    Threesome 4% CP earned
    Group of four 6% CP earned
    Group of five 10% CP earned

    Levels 1-5

    Champions not played are considered level 0. After playing a single game, the mastery level immediately enters level 1 and begins to advance to level 2.

    The following describes the number of Champion Mastery Points required to advance from one level to the next:

    Level CP required Cumulative CP is required Accumulated CP %
    Champion Mastery 1 0 0 0
    Champion Mastery 2 1800 1800 8
    Champion Mastery 3 4200 6000 28
    Champion Mastery 4 6600 12600 58
    Champion Mastery 5 9000 21600 100

    Levels 6 and 7

    Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    Hextech Crafting Champion Mastery Tokens

    Upon reaching level 5, accumulating champion points will no longer advance the mastery level. Instead, Levels 6 and 7 are obtained through Hextech Crafting. [7]

    Earning an S grade will reward a Mastery Token- A crafting component to access the next level of mastery. These tokens just can be won in regular and ranked matchmaking games in the Champion Mastery Summoner's Crack.

    • At level 5, receive a grade of S-, S o S + Grants 1 Mastery 6 token.
      • A maximum of 2 tokens can be collected.
    • At level 6, receive a grade of S o S + Grants 1 Mastery 7 token.
      • A maximum of 3 tokens can be collected.
    Mastery Tokens Options
    Champion MasteryChampion Mastery To unlock with 2/3 Tokens and 2450/2950 Blue Essence
    To unlock with 2/3 Tokens and 1 Permanent Champion
    • The permanent must be for the same champion.
    To unlock with 2/3 Tokens and 1 Champion Shard
    • The shard must be for the same champion.
    " Used to advance a specific champion's mastery level. Acquired by scoring S- or higher on a level (n-1) Mastery Champion.
    - Mastery Token

    • Free champions can level up to level 4. After that, they will stop accumulating points until the champion is unlocked. [8]
    • Champion points do not decline. [9]
    • Progress will not be reset in the event the champion is redesigned. [10]
    • Changing server regions will erase the highest rank earned on that champion, however, the Mastery Rank earned prior to migration will be retained.


    Each champion class has names for the mastery levels.

    Level Assassin Fighter Mago Tirador Support Tank
    Champion Mastery 1 Bully Search claims Initiate Tracker Assistant Bully
    Champion Mastery 2 Prowler Fighter Conjurer Montaraz Protector Quarrelsome
    Champion Mastery 3 Cutthroat Warrior Lovely Explorer Custodian Bastion
    Champion Mastery 4 Reaper Veteran Mago Hunter Defensor Henchman
    Champion Mastery 5 Annihilator Destructor Sorcerer Pioneer Guardian Gross
    Champion Mastery 6 Executor Warmonger Magician Sniper Sentinel Giant
    Champion Mastery 7 Killer Master Warlord Archmage Elite Marksman Prison guard Colossus


    There are 7 levels of Champion Mastery currently obtainable, distinguished by crests. Additionally, levels 4 and above have a Mastery loading screen badge and in-game advertisement, as well as a Gesture (linked to its separate hotkey). [eleven]

    Champion MasteryChampion Mastery1 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery2 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery3 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery4 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery5 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery6 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery7 level Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    Announcement Banner (Shown: Level 7 Lucian kills a Level 6 Lee Sin)

    Star Guardians

    If a player attained Mastery Level 5, 6, or 7 during the 2017 Star Guardian event and equips any of the icons obtained in the Invasion game mode, the player would receive a temporary Star Guardian-skinned Mastery for that level that could show in games until September 26, 2017.

    Champion MasteryChampion Mastery5 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery6 levelChampion MasteryChampion Mastery7 level

    Mastery Chests

    See also: Honor Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    Chest of Mastery

    Chest of Mastery is a way to earn Hextech Chests by playing with different champions. A player can earn 1 Mastery Chest every 7 days, storing up to 4 slots; this counter is displayed in the Overview section of the Profile tab.

    The Mastery Chest is awarded to a player who earns an S-, S or S + rating, all members of the player's pre-made party will also receive a chest. Some necessary conditions remain for a player to receive a chest.

    • You are playing a champion you own.
    • The champion you are playing as has not won a chest in the current competitive season.

    In the Champions section of the Collection tab, a champion portrait will have an icon indicating that the chest has been earned; the floating tooltip will also display this information.

    A champion becomes ineligible after earning a chest, not after earning an S rating.



    Champion Mastery

    Champion Mastery is one of the achievements displayed in the Overview section of the Profile tab. [12] The champion with the highest score, level, and total Mastery score (sum of all Mastery levels achieved) are prominently displayed. The tooltip shows the highest levels, scores, and ratings for the top three champions.

    Charging screen

    Champion Mastery Champion Mastery

    The Champion's Mastery is displayed in the portrait information within the loading screen.

    Post-game lobby

    In the post-game lobby, a text message will notify the team if a player has reached an S rating or a new Mastery Level (1-5).


    • Videos
    • Portrait ridges
    • Banner
    • Gallery

    Champion Mastery

    LoL Animations - Champions mastery

    These Portrait Crests were replaced in Champion Collection update in V9.17.

    Champion MasteryChampion MasteryNo rankChampion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 1Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 2Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 3Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 4Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 5Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 6Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 7

    These Portrait banners for the loading screen were replaced in V9.3.

    Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 4Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 5Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 6Champion MasteryChampion MasteryLevel 7

    Champion MasteryChampion MasteryChampion Masteries and Mastery score shown in Profile ( MasteryChampion MasteryChampion Mastery displayed beneath champion icons. ( MasteryChampion MasteryChampion Mastery banners displayed in the loading screen. (Old)

    Patch history

    • In Howling Abyss, champion mastery scores are now more easily obtained. The performance required to get an S will be more consistent with Summoner's Rift.
    • Blue Essence cost to upgrade a champion's Mastery level to 6 reduced to Champion Mastery 2450 of Champion Mastery 3250.
    • Blue Essence cost to upgrade a champion's Mastery level to 7 reduced to Champion Mastery 2950 of Champion Mastery 3900.
    • Bug Fix: Champion Mastery Level Increase notifications no longer appear on Honor Vow.
    • Champion Mastery can be obtained from Random Summoner's Rift.
    • Champion Mastery can be obtained in matched matches ARAM y Twisted forest, although not for Champion Mastery 6 and 7.
    • Champion Mastery can be obtained with special game modes such as Ascension, Legend of King Poro, Ultra Rapid Fire, Hexakill, and One for All. All AI co-op modes and custom games still do not allow players to earn Mastery Points.
    • New Mastery Badge Gestures, Loading Screen Edge Flags, and Ad updates for each level.
    • New tokens of Mastery 6, obtained with games S-, S y S+ with champions of mastery level 5.
    • New tokens of Mastery 7, obtained with games S y S + with champions of mastery level 6.
    • Combine Mastery Tokens for a specific Champion with that Champion's Crafting Shard, Permanent Loot, or Blue Essence to unlock their next Mastery Level.
      • Mastery 6: 2 tiles and (Champion Mastery 3250 or Champion Shard or Champion Permanent Shard).
      • Mastery 7: 3 tiles and (Champion Mastery 3900 or Champion Shard or Champion Permanent Shard).
    • Level 4 and Level 5 animation is now visible to enemies (previously announced level 5, but should now be working).
    • In-game silence now suppresses the champion's mastery gesture (both allies and enemies).
    • At rank 5+, the mastery gesture is visible to the enemy team.
    V5.8 - May 6, 2015
    • Champion Mastery System fully implemented on all other servers.
    • Champion Mastery System fully implemented on the Brazilian server.


    1. ↑ introduction page
    2. ↑ Grades
    3. ↑ Mirross, March 13, 2015
    4. ↑ Mirross, March 13, 2015
    5. ^ Riot Socrates, March 13, 2015
    6. Champion Points (CP)
    7. ↑ Champion Mastery Levels 6 & 7
    8. ↑ Interaction with free champions
    9. ↑ Riot Mixtli, 13 de marzo de 2015
    10. ↑ Riot Mixtli, 13 de marzo de 2015
    11. Rewards
    12. ↑ Unlock Champion Mastery

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