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    Champion skin

    See also: Skins list, Skins list by champion Champion skin Champion skin

    Examples of champion skins
    (Champion skin Kog'Maw Armor of War, Champion skin Cold Shen, Champion skin PROJECT: Fiora)


    Champion Skin (Or simply appearance o skin, in English) refers to the theme of colors or appearance of a champion. In League of Legends, most skins can be purchased from the Riot Store with Riot Points, while others are or were only available for special events or promotions. Some of the skins in League of Legends also provide champions with different particle effects, phrases, and sound effects. Each aspect has its own illustration that is displayed in the champion selection by clicking on the thumbnail.

    To see all current and previous illustrations, visit this gallery. Additionally, you can see the illustrations, along with the Chinese versions and a link to the 3D model of each aspect by going to the Skins & Trivia subpage of each champion. Other ways to access these pages are to simply search for the champion by name in our search bar and add "Skins" after the name; or you can click on any of the links below that contains the names of the aspects.

    Aspect Pricing

    Skins that are / were store-bought usually come in 7 different price tags: Champion skin 390, Champion skin 520, Champion skin 750, Champion skin 975, Champion skin 1350, Champion skin 1820, the Champion skin 3250. The price of an aspect reflects the amount of work put into developing it. At a higher price, more work can be seen in the champion's particle effects, his voice, phrases (for example Champion skin Finest Knight Cho'Gath), and his role model in wearing that skin. At the moment, Riot has only given official category names to the three highest skin grades.

    The look labeled at a price of Champion skin 1820 are calling Aspects Legendary. These aspects usually affect the champion more significantly than just changes to his appearance. For instance, Champion skin Teemo Omega Squad will have him shoot fireworks on his abilities, instead of normal projectiles.

    However the "special effects rule" is not always true, especially for older legendary skins, where only the model was changed; those aspects still had more work on them than others by then.

    Skins that take even more work than a Legendary skin are skins Definitive. So far there are only four aspects in this category:Champion skin Ezreal Pulse of Fire, Champion skin Udyr Guardian of Spirits, Champion skin DJ Sona and Champion skin Elementalist Lux. The Ultimate Skins, along with their unique appearance, improved phrases and models, come with a few other additional bonuses - a summoner icon or special icons and a profile banner. Therefore, these skins have the highest price, and cost Champion skin 3250.

    Twice a week, a selection of skins are put on sale at 50% or 75% of their original price. However, Ultimate and Legendary skins are never put on sale. Because of this, the price of an Ultimate or Legendary skin remains on sale for the first few days it is released.

    Current offers

    Champions and skins

    Current bid: September 13, 2021 - September 20, 2021 Champion skinIvern Champion skin 975 633 Champion skinKha'Zix Champion skin 880 352 Champion skinLuxury Champion skin 790 395 Champion skinNeeko Champion skin 975 487 Champion skinZed Champion skin 880 352 Champion skinJayce Academia from Combate Champion skin 1350 675 Champion skinTryndamere Blood Moon Champion skin 1350 944 Champion skinIrelia la Forajida Champion skin 1350 877 Champion skinInfernal Diana Champion skin 1350 607 Champion skinOlaf Merodeador Champion skin 750 300 Champion skinTahm Kench Master Chef Champion skin 975 390 Champion skinObsidian Dragon Sett Champion skin 1350 877 Champion skinSoraka Order of the Banana Champion skin 750 300 Champion skinPharaoh Nasus Champion skin 520 208 Champion skinPrograma Lissandra Champion skin 1350 540 Champion skinThresh Pulse of Fire Champion skin 1350 944 Champion skinGwen Space Wave Champion skin 1350 975 Champion skinRumble Space Wave Champion skin 1350 975 Champion skinJarvan IV Kingdoms at War Champion skin 1350 540 Champion skinQuinn Woad Explorer Champion skin 975 585

    Available Skins

    Main article: Available skins

    This page lists all the champion skins that are available in the store and skins that can be unlocked by meeting special requirements.

    Skin Packs

    These two aspects are available only through digital packages offered by the customer's store.

    As of June 3, 2013, Riot implemented flexible cost packages that adjust their cost according to the content already purchased. They also permanently removed the Player's Choice Package and included Champion skin Sivir Huntress in the Champions Pack. [1]

    Aspect Name Package Name Champion skin Cost Minimum Flexible Price
    Champion skin annie goth Digital Collector's Edition 2520 975
    Champion skin Sivir Huntress Champions Pack 3410 975

    Unlockable Skins

    These skins can be unlocked by summoners who meet the requirements.

    • Invite your Friends
    • Aspects of Social Networks
    • Aspects of Tournaments

    Main article: Invite your Friends
    Aspect Name Request
    Champion skin Warwick Pig Have 3 Friends, level 10 or higher, in the Invite Your Friends program
    Champion skin Twitch Medieval Have 5 Friends, level 10 or higher, in the Invite Your Friends program

    Aspect Name Request
    Champion skin Garen Commando Fans on Facebook (Latin America)
    Champion skin Ashe Tribu Woad Fans on Facebook (Brazil)
    Champion skin Sivir Bandida Fans on Facebook (Turkey)
    Error: Skin RiotGirl for Tristana is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. Fans on Facebook (other servers)
    Champion skin Enlist Unchained Subscribe to League of Legends on YouTube
    Champion skin Garen Caballero of Terror Twitter followers

    Aspect Name Request
    Champion skin Purely Triunphant Win an Official Tournament

    Collector's Edition (Retail)

    These aspects are offered through retail products:

    These skins are offered along with a commercial copy of League of Legends Collector's Edition:

    Aspect Name Collector's Edition
     Champion skin  Champion skin Kayle de Plata For sale

    This look is offered through retail merchandise:

    Aspect Name Collector's Edition
     Champion skin  Champion skin Caitlyn Arctic Wars PC Gamer US Edition, November 2011, [2] (Also available in the store)

    Unpublished aspects


    The following new skins were added to the PBE

    • Champion skin Risen Fiddlesticks
    • Champion skin Jayce Abandoned
    • Champion skin Zilean Blood Moon
    • Champion skin Ziggs Maestro Taumaturgo


    • Models
    • Textures
    • Game Files and Illustrations
    • Red Posts

    The following models were found in the game archives or displayed at official events:
    Aspect Name Notes
    Champion skin Exterminator Twitch Concept for the old model
    Champion skin Dunk Master Darius Preview video of their creation process at EB Games Expo in Sydney.

    The following skin textures appear in the game files, but do not have any associated model or artwork:
    Aspect Name Notes
    Champion skin Bladestorm Karma Texture
    Champion skin Russian Knight Olaf Texture

    • The following skins appear in the game files: Champion skin Jade Empress Karma y Champion skin Miss Fortune of Special Forces.
      • A silhouette can be seen that resembles Champion skin Miss Fortune in illustration by Champion skin Gangplank of Special Forces.
    • An aspect of Champion skin Morgana no name, with a fire theme in the game files (referred to as "Skin06").
    • A mysterious aspect Champion skin Karma Lunar was added along with some unfinished content in the store by mistake. [1]
    • War Shield Expansion
      • The draft Champion skin Cho'Gath Greater Armor details the file names of Champion skin XER, Champion skin URG, Champion skin BE, Champion skin MAW y Champion skin ANV in the upper right corner, giving an idea of ​​the possible expansion of the Battlecast series.
      • A silhouette that resembles Champion skin Skarner can also be seen in the illustration of Champion skin Cho'Gath Greater Armor.
      • In the illustration of Champion skin Vicktor the Creator looks at what is supposed to be the head of Champion skin Skarner War Blidaje in the lower left corner. It can also be seen at Champion skin Kog'Maw War Blidaje behind Urgot War Blidaje us Champion skin Vel'Koz War Blidaje in the background.
    • The illustration of Champion skin Dark Crusader Mordekaiser, but its development is currently on hold.
    • Two aspects were found for Champion skin Zed in the game's RAF files, titled Cyber ​​Ninja Zed and Proxy Zed. [2]
    • An image placeholder was found for an aspect of Champion skin Unnamed Hecarim (titled "Hecarim_Splash_5" and "Hecarim_5") in the client assets folder of the Public Beta Environment. [3]

  • IronStylus announced that two skins are in development for Champion skin Skarner but they have no set dates at this time.
  • Morello confirmed the production of Champion skin Swain Dragon Master.
  • Canceled and Reissued Aspects

    Aspect Name Notes Image
    Champion skin Diana's Nameless Aspect Showed in May 2013, it was announced that a skin for Champion skin Diana was undone and re-conceptualized in Champion skin Diana Lunar Goddess N/A
    Champion skin Crimson Elite Katarina IronStylus said that this look was not quite up to par and is supposed to have been canceled. Texture
    Champion skin Cyber ​​Katarina Ironsylus said that they weren't satisfied with the outcome of this look and thought there are better themes for Katarina. It is supposed to have been canceled. Texture
    Various Aspects of Champion skin Leona It was confirmed by IronStylus that a number of skins for Champion skin Leona were made and discarded, including an appearance where Leona has the ancient Solar armor seen in Diana's Show. N/A
    Champion skin Reina Sejuani Originally created for its old model, the concept of this skin inspired Riot to re-publish Sejuani visually. [3] [4] Model
    Champion skin Battle Priestess Soraka This aspect did not meet the desired quality. It was scrapped and replaced by Champion skin Soraka Celestial[5][6] Screenshot

    Legacy Aspects

    Legacy skins are those that Riot has removed, seasonal, or special event skins that have been removed from the League of Legends Store and placed in the Legacy Vault. However, although they cannot be purchased from the Shop, they can be obtained as Mystery Gifts. From time to time, Vault Legacy Skin Packs are released for a limited time in the League of Legends Store. These skins only appear in the champion information tab if they are owned.

    Challenging Aspects

    This skin theme marks the beginning of each competitive season, just as the Victorious theme celebrates the end of each season. Unlike those skins, challengers are available to everyone for a limited time. The first skin was released in 2015, at the beginning of the fifth season.

    Aspect Name


    Champion skin Cost


    Champion skin Challenging Ahri 5 975 15-Jan-2015 - 02-Feb-2015

    Championship Skins

    • Please note: Champion skin Championship Riven was available during the Season 2 World Championship Finals, yet it is still considered a limited edition skin.

    The following skins were released to the Shop for a limited time during the Season 3 and 4 World Championship Finals:

    Aspect Name


    Champion skin Cost


    Champion skin Championship Thresh[7][8] 3 975 04-Oct-2013 - 29-Oct-2013

    17-Sep-2014 - 31-Oct-2014

    Champion skin Championship Shyvana [9] 4 975 14-Oct-2014 - 31-Oct-2014


    Main article: Harrowing
    • Note: Harrowing 2013 skins (Champion skin Embryo Office y Champion skin Official You) are permanent Holiday aspects.
    • 2014
    • 2012
    • 2011
    • 2010

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin LeBlanc Daughter of the Ravens 975 24-Oct-2014 - 04-Nov-2014
    Champion skin Soul Reaper Soraka 1350 05-Nov-2014 - 21-Nov-2014
    Champion skin Underworld Wukong 1350 24-Oct-2014 - 04-Nov-2014

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Zombi Brand 1820 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Director Fiora 975 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Pirate Ryze 975 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Annie FrankenTibbers 975 19-Oct-2011 - 31-Oct-2011

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Error: Skin DefinitelyNot for Blitzcrank is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. 520 19-Oct-2011 - 31-Oct-2011

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Bewitched Nidalee 975 19-Oct-2011 - 31-Oct-2011

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Haunted Nocturne 520 19-Oct-2011 - 31-Oct-2011

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin World world 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Pumpkin Head Fiddle 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Error: Skin KittyCat for Katarina is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Poppy paleta 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Zombie Ryze 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Vladimir Nosferatu 975 18-Oct-2010 - 31-Oct-2010

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Aspects of Lunar Revel

    Main article: Lunar Revel

    These skins were available during the 2014 Lunar Revel event and returned in 2015:

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Riven Espadragón 1350 28-Jan-2014 - 11-Feb-2014

    10-Feb-2015 - 23-Feb-2015

    Champion skin Tryndamere Kingdoms at War 975 28-Jan-2014 - 11-Feb-2014

    10-Feb-2015 - 23-Feb-2015

    Aspects of the Snow Duel

    Main article: Duel of the Snows
    • 2014
    • 2013
    • 2012
    • 2011
    • 2010
    • 2009

    Skin Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Malzahar Snow Day 975 Dec 16, 2014 - Jan 6, 2015
    Champion skin Orianna Winter Wonder 975 Dec 16, 2014 - Jan 6, 2015
    Champion skin Sejuani Rider of Poros 975 Dec 16, 2014 - Jan 6, 2015

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Lulu Winter Wonder 1350 Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014
    Champion skin Singed Snow Day 975 Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014
    Champion skin Sivir Snowstorm 975 Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Katarina Deadly Beauty 975 14-Dec-2012- 6-Jan-2013

    19-Dec-2013- 2-Jan-2014

    Champion skin Fiddlesticks Dulciniestro 975 14-Dec-2012- 6-Jan-2013

    19-Dec-2013- 2-Jan-2014

    Champion skin Veigar Santa Malo 975 14-Dec-2012- 6-Jan-2013

    19-Dec-2013- 2-Jan-2014

    Champion skin Snowy Day Ziggs 975 14-Dec-2012- 6-Jan-2013

    19-Dec-2013- 2-Jan-2014

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Gangplank Toy Soldier 975 Dec 13, 2011 - Jan 10, 2012

    Dec 14, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Nieverdinger 975 Dec 13, 2011 - Jan 10, 2012

    Dec 14, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin LeBlanc Mistletoe 975 Dec 13, 2011 - Jan 10, 2012

    Dec 14, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Festive Maokai 975 Dec 13, 2011 - Jan 10, 2012

    Dec 14, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Amumu Recycled Gift 520 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Error: Skin Gragas Santa for Gragas is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. 975 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Kog'Maw Reno 975 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Candy Miss Fortune 975 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Poppy Rag Doll 975 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Toy Shaco 975 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Sona Silent Night 520 Dec 14, 2010 - Jan 06, 2011

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    These holiday skins were released as limited edition skins, but were released again in December 2013 for a limited time and reclassified as Legacy Skins:

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Nidalee Winter Bunny 520 Dec 16, 2009 - Jan 06, 2010

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Nunu and Willump from Santa's Workshop 520 Dec 16, 2009 - Jan 06, 2010

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Happy Elf Teemo 520 Dec 16, 2009 - Jan 06, 2010

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Good Elf Tristana 520 Dec 31, 2009 - Jan 03, 2010

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Champion skin Viejito Zilean Pascuero 520 23-Dec-2009 - 27-Dec-2009

    Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 2, 2014

    Removed Aspects

    Main article: Champion Skin / Retired Skins

    The following classic skins have been retired and are no longer available from the Store.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Publication date Retirement date
    Champion skin Akali Infernal 520 11-May-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Enlist Killer 975 11-May-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Faraon Amumu 520 02-Feb-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Annie Little Red Riding Hood 520 27-Apr-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Annie in Wonderland 1820 16-Aug-2010 17-Jul-2012
    Champion skin Caitlyn Safari 975 10-May-2011 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Nightmare Cho'Gath 520 20-Nov-2009 12-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Red Baron Corki 1820 24-Mar-2010 17-Jul-2012
    Champion skin Mr. Mundoverso 520 24-Mar-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Toxic World 520 17-Dic-2009 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Masked Evelynn 520 18-May-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Ezreal de Nottingham 520 16-Mar-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Gallium Hextech 520 10-Aug-2010 19-Jul-2013
    Champion skin Sailor Gangplank 750 10-Jan-2011 19-Jul-2013
    Champion skin Desert Soldier Garen 520 27-Apr-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Gragas Diver 975 04-May-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Heimerdinger Alienígena 1820 14-Jul-2010 17-Jul-2012
    Champion skin Jax Humble Fisherman 975 08-Jun-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Karthus Fantasmal 460 13-Jan-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Kayle Unmasked 975 13-Jul-2010 12-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Swamp Master Kennen 520 08-Apr-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Kog'Maw Oruga 520 24-Jun-2010 19-Jul-2013
    Champion skin Kog'Maw of Sonora 520 24-Jun-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Malphite Trebol 520 16-Mar-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Visir Malzahar 520 01-Jun-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Mordekaiser Dragon Knight 520 24-Feb-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Nidalee Leopard 520 24-Feb-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Nunu and Willump Bigfoot 520 20-Nov-2009 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Poppy the Herrera 975 24-Aug-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Poppy de Noxus 520 02-Feb-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Rammus Fundido 975 14-Jul-2010 19-Jul-2013
    Champion skin Professor Ryze 975 05-Oct-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Toy Shaco 975 29-Mar-2011 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Cold Shen 520 24-Mar-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Yellow Shen 520 24-Mar-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Sion Hextech 520 01-Jun-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Spectacular Sivir 975 08-Jun-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Sona Moses 975 21-Sep-2010 19-Jul-2013
    Champion skin Taric Esmeralda 520 20-Nov-2009 12-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Badger Teemo 520 13-Jan-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Tristana Bomberita 1820 04-Jun-2010 17-Jul-2012
    Champion skin Tryndamere the Immortal 520 16-Mar-2010 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Twisted Fate the Magnificent 1820 18-May-2010 17-Jul-2012
    Champion skin Chief Twitch 520 20-Nov-2009 28-Nov-2011
    Champion skin Urgot Butcher 520 24-Aug-2010 12-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Wild Warwick 975 16-Nov-2010 19-Mar-2012
    Champion skin Zilean Time Traveler 520 12-Apr-2011 19-Mar-2012

    Aspects of Riot

    • Please note: Champion skin Singed from Riot Squad is a Limited Edition Skin
    Aspect Name Event
    Champion skin Riot Nasus K-9 Gamescom 2011, PAX Prime 2011, Buena Park Meet-Up, and Gamescom 2012
    Champion skin Riot Graves Gamescom 2012, PAX Prime 2012 and future events
    Champion skin Riot Blitzcrank Gamescom 2013, PAX Prime 2013 and future events
    Champion skin Riot Kayle Gamescom 2014, PAX Prime 2014 and future events

    Aspects of the Shadow Isles

    Main article: Isles of Shadows

    The following skins were released in conjunction with the Twisted Treeline redesign:

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin The Headless Hecarim 975 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Haunted Maokai 975 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Champion skin Twisted Fate of the Underworld 975 26-Oct-2012 - 13-Nov-2012

    29-Oct-2013 - 12-Nov-2013

    Traditional Aspects

    • Please note: Champion skin Lee Sin Traditional is permanently available in the League of Legends Store.

    These skins are a tribute to champions who underwent a significant visual upgrade to recall their old cosmetic appearance. They were released on the Champion re-release and were free to those who owned the champion beforehand. If the champion was not previously possessed, it could be acquired for two weeks before being removed to the Legacy Vault.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Traditional Karma 975 29-Mar-2013 - 12-Abril-2013[10]
    Champion skin Sejuani Tradicional 975 29-April-2013-May 2013
    Champion skin Traditional Trundle 975 29-April-2013-May 2013

    World Finals commemorative skins

    These skins are created to commemorate the winning team of the Season World Championship Final. They first appeared in the Season 2 Championship with the victorious Taipei Assassins team. They usually run for a limited time in the store before being removed and placed in the Legacy Vault for future sales.

    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017
    • Season 2017

    Aspects iG

    These commemorate the victory of Invictus Gaming's in Season 8. The champions chosen were each player's personal selections (as long as they played at least one game with that champion during the World Championship). Each was offered both individually and with the required champion, a player signature icon, and a special loading border with the player's signature. Also, there was a mega pack with the 6 skins, the 6 icons, the 6 special loading edges, a gem, the Champions room for hot dogs, and the necessary champions.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Camille iG 1350 23-April-2019 – 05-June-2019
    Champion skin Fiora iG 1350
    Champion skin Irelia iG 1350
    Champion skin Kai'Sa iG 1350
    Champion skin LeBlanc iG 1350
    Champion skin Friend iG 1350

    Aspectos SSG

    These commemorate the victory of Samsung Galaxy's in Season 7. The champions chosen were each player's personal picks (as long as they played at least one game with that champion during the World Championship) and represent a "traditional Korean player." style '(based on' Choson dynasty '). Each was offered both individually and with the required champion, a skin icon, and a special loading border with the player's signature. In addition, there was a mega pack with the 6 skins, the 6 icons, the 6 special loading edges, a gem, and the necessary champions.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Ezreal SSG 1350 20-July-2018 – 03-August-2018
    Champion skin Gnar SSG 1350
    Champion skin Jarvan IV SSG 1350
    Champion skin SSG friend 1350
    Champion skin Taliyah SSG 1350
    Champion skin Xayah SSG 1350

    Aspectos SKT T1

    These commemorate the victory of SK Telecom T1 's in Season 6. The champions chosen were each player's personal picks (provided they played at least one game with that champion during the World Championship) and represented a 'grand fantasy'. Each volunteered both individually and in conjunction with the required champions and the protection of their coach.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Error: Skin SKTT1 for Ekko is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. 1350 05-July-2017 - 19-July-2017
    Champion skin Jhin SKT T1 1350
    Champion skin Nami SKT T1 1350
    Champion skin Olaf SKT T1 1350
    Champion skin Syndra SKT T1 1350
    Champion skin Zac SKT T1 1350

    Aspectos SKT T1

    These commemorate the victory of SK Telecom T1 's in Season 5. The champions chosen were each player's personal picks (provided they played at least one game with that champion during the World Cup). Each was offered both individually and with the required champions.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Azir SKT T1 975
    Champion skin Elise SKT T1 975
    Champion skin Ryze SKT T1 975
    Champion skin Renekton SKT T1 975
    Champion skin Kalista SKT T1 975

    Aspectos SSW

    These commemorate the victory of Samsung Galaxy White's in Season 4 and represent your team composition during the final match. Each was offered both individually and with the required champions.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Rengar SSW 750 14-May-2015 – 01-June-2015
    Champion skin Singed SSW 750
    Champion skin Talon SSW 750
    Champion skin Thresh SSW 975
    Champion skin Twitch SSW 975

    Aspectos SKT T1

    SKT T1 skins commemorate Team SK Telecom T1's victory in the Season 3 World Championship final. Each skin was offered individually and all as a package. The champions who were chosen to wear those skins were the same ones that SKT T1 used to their full potential throughout the season.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Jax SKT T1 750 05-May-2014 – 19-May-2014
    17-Sep-2014 – 31-Oct-2014
    Champion skin Lee Sin SKT T1 750
    Champion skin Vayne SKT T1 750
    Champion skin Zed SKT T1 750
    Champion skin Office SKT T1 750

    TPA aspects

    TPA skins honor the Season 2 Champions, the Taipei Assassins, with the team composition that led them to victory. They were offered individually and as a package for a limited time before being placed in the Legacy Vault.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin TPA World 750 24-May-2013 – 04-June-2013
    05-May-2014 – 19-May-2014
    17-Sep-2014 – 31-Oct-2014
    Champion skin Ezreal TPA 750
    Champion skin Nunu y Willump TPA 750
    Champion skin Orianna TPA 750
    Champion skin Shen TPA 750

    Aspectos Fnatic

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost Availability
    Champion skin Corki Fnatic 750 24-Sep-2014 – 31-Oct-2014
    Champion skin Gragas Fnatic 750
    Champion skin Janna Fnatic 750
    Champion skin Jarvan IV Fnatic 750
    Champion skin Karthus Fnatic 750

    World Games Events

    • Winter Games 2010
    • 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Main article: Celebration of the 2010 Winter Games

    The release of these skins coincided with the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. They were originally released as a limited edition, but were released again in February 2014 for a limited time; after which they were classified as "legacy" aspects and as such they may return in the future:

    They were available first from February 12, 2010 to March 2, 2010. Then they were published again from February 7, 2014 to February 23, 2014.

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost
    Champion skin Amumu from Vancouver 520
    Champion skin Anivia Team Spirit 520
    Champion skin Corki Ice Sled 1820
    Champion skin Fiddlesticks Unión Jack 520
    Champion skin The Mighty Jax 520
    Champion skin Kassadin Festivos 520
    Champion skin Twitch de Whistler Village 520
    Champion skin Veigar Curling Player 520

    Main article: FIFA World Cup

    These skins were released during the FIFA World Cup, the men's on June 22, 2010 and the women's on June 28, 2010. All of them were released as limited edition skins and then removed from the store on November 1, 2010.

    From June 12 to July 13, 2014, these skins were re-released, and later classified as "Legacy Skins"; and as such they may return in the future:

    Aspect Name Champion skin Cost
    Champion skin Akali Supercampeona 975
    Champion skin Blitzcrank Páralotodo 520
    Champion skin Ezreal Goalscorer 520
    Champion skin Katarina Red Card 975

    Aspects not available

    This section contains aspects that can no longer be acquired by any conventional method. They only appear in the champion information tab if they are owned.

    Initially, there were certain "limited edition" skins that were enabled in the store during seasonal or special events and removed after the event ended. It was said that they would not be released from the Vault to maintain value for the players who had purchased them. However, for a brief period between October 2013 and January 2014, they were put up for sale again. These skins include those of major events in the years between 2009 and 2011: Harrowing, Snowdown, the Winter Olympics, and the World Cup. They were then moved to the Legacy Vault and may be released from time to time.

    To compensate those players who already owned the previous limited edition skins, those players received the following benefits:

    • An exclusive summoner icon.
    • RP equal to the amount of the original purchase price of any owned limited edition skin.
    • The loading screen artwork for any limited edition skin would have a "vintage" look over the top.

    Except Champion skin Championship Riven *, Riot has not signaled that the following skins will be available again.

    Aspect Name Requirement
    Champion skin enlist black Pre-order the Digital Collector's Edition
    Champion skin Championship Riven 975 RP in store from Oct 14, 2012 to Oct 22, 2012. *
    Champion skin Purely Young Pre-order the Retail Collector's Edition
    Champion skin Kayle Justiciera Veterans of Season 1
    Champion skin Rey Rammus Closed Beta Testers
    Champion skin Singed of the Riot Squad PAX East & Prime 2010, Gamescom 2010, CeBiT 2011, EPS 2011, Siggraph 2011
    Champion skin Rusty Blitzcrank Purchase for 520 RP in the shop between Nov 20, 2009 and Jan 17, 2010
    Champion skin Unidentified Flying Object IGN y Gamespy Reader's Choice 2009
    Error: Skin UrftheManatee for Warwick is not specified in Módulo:SkinData/data. 5000/500/50 RP in the store between 01-Apr-2010 and 14-Apr-2010

    * This skin was released after Riot introduced the "Legacy" skins and retired the "Limited Edition" skins. However, because the skin announcement was "unclear", Riot was inclined not to re-release it in 2013 and has not done so since. With that said, Riot has announced that they will likely re-release the skin at the end of the 2016 Season (Season 6), as part of the Championship 5 skin pack. [eleven]

    PAX aspects

    These skins were offered at the 2009-2011 PAX events, but are no longer available:

    Aspect Name Event
    Champion skin Twisted Fate PAX PAX 2009
    Champion skin Jax PAX PAX East & Prime 2010 o PAX East 2011
    Champion skin Sivir PAX PAX Prime 2011

    Victorious Aspects

    These skins were a reward for players at the end of each season upon reaching a certain rank:

    Aspect Name Season Requirements
    Champion skin Jarvan IV Victorious 1 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum.
    Champion skin Victorious Janna 2 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond.
    Champion skin Elise Victorious 3 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond or Challenger.
    Champion skin Morgana Victoriosa 4 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger.
    Champion skin Victorious Sivir 5 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger.
    Champion skin Victorious Maokai 6 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger.
    Champion skin Victorious Graves 7 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger and with Honor 2 or higher.
    Champion skin Orianna Victoriosa 8 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger and with Honor 2 or higher. Champion skin Victorious Aatrox 9 Finish the season with the rank of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master or Challenger and with Honor 2 or higher.

    Related Aspects

    Main article: Champion skin / Skin themes

    Some champions have skins that share a certain theme with the skins of other champions. Follow the link below to see those topics.

    List of Aspects

    Main article: Category: Skins


    1. ↑ Flexible Pricing Packages Now Available (English).
    2. ↑ Caitlyn of the Free Arctic Wars in the Nov 2011 edition of PC Gamer (English).
    3. ↑ Ququroon's Tweet on Queen Sejuani (English).
    4. ^ Iron Stylus on Queen Sejuani (English).
    5. ↑ Iron Stylus on BP Soraka.
    6. ^ Iron Stylus on Battle Priestess Soraka.
    7. ↑ Celebrate Season 3 with Championship Thresh
    8. ↑ Championship Thresh now available
    9. ↑ [4]
    10. ↑ Champion Spotlight: Karma
    11. ↑ Championship Riven May Return.


    • Xorac skin list on the German Forum
    • List of aspects of Encased Shadow in League of Legends
    • List of All Skins for Sale in League of Legends

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