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    Champion stats

    HR statistics of a champion they are numbers that indicate how well it performs in a certain action. These help define the position of a champion. There are 17 official statistics, divided into four categories: Offensive, Defensive, Magic, and Movement.


    Offensive Statistics

    • Attack damage: Damage dealt by basic attacks. 
    • Critical hit: Increased damage from basic hits (200%).
    • Armor penetration: Indicates how much the target's armor amount is reduced during physical damage calculations.
    • Critical Hit Chance: Percentage increase in the chance for a basic attack to critically hit.
    • Attack speed: Amount of basic attacks per second caused by champions (Max 2.50 / s).
    • Life stealing: The percentage of damage dealt by a champion's basic attacks that is returned to him in life form.

    Defensive Statistics

    • Armor: Used to calculate the reduced damage taken by basic attacks and abilities that deal physical damage. Calculated by Armor / (Armor + 100)
    • Life: The total damage a champion can take before dying.
    • Life regeneration: The rate at which a champion's life is naturally reset.
    • Magic resistance (MR or MR): Used to calculate the reduced damage taken by abilities that deal magic damage. Calculated by Resist. Magic / (Magic Resist + 100)

    Magic Stats

    • Ability power (AP or AP): "Magic or ability" damage dealt by the champion's spells or abilities. Allow some skills to escalate.
    • Cooldown reduction (CDR): Percentage reduction in the time it takes for an ability to be reused after the champion has used it. (Maximum 45%)
    • Magic penetration: Indicates how much the target's magic resistance amount is reduced during magic damage calculations.
    • Manna: The maximum amount of mana available for a champion to cast his abilities.
    • Mana Regeneration: The rate at which a champion's mana resets naturally.
    • Spell vamp: The percentage of damage caused by a champion's magical abilities that is returned to him in life form.

    Movement Statistics

    • Speed ​​of movement: The speed with which a champion moves across the map.

    Uploading the statistics

    All champions start the game with a certain amount of attack damage, attack speed, armor, health, health regen, mana, and mana regen. This is normally referred to as the base value of those stats for each champion. Each champion naturally increases those values ​​by a certain amount each time they go up a level (except Champion stats Thresh, who does not gain armor per level but is based on his passive). Each champion's base and tier stats are unique and play a huge role in balancing the game for them.

    Two stats that deviate from this pattern are movement speed and magic resistance. Each champion has their own base movement speed that does not increase naturally, and each champion starts the game with exactly 30 magic resistance. This is the only stat that increases for some champions and not others. In general, if a champion is a marksman or has a ranged form or is classified as a tank, they will not gain magic resistance per level.

    All other stats have a natural value of zero and must be augmented by other means. The ways a champion can do this are varied and include runes, masteries, items, and auras. The abilities of some champions increase their statistics, either as a passive effect (Champion stats Soul Devourer of Champion stats Nasus passively increases his lifesteal) or as an active effect (Desperate Power Desperate Power of Champion stats Ryze briefly increases his movement speed and spell vamp) or as an effect that follows another action (Champion stats Mantle of Darkness Champion stats Nocturne, passively increases his attack speed and doubles this bonus when he absorbs a spell.)


    • On this , stats like health, attack damage, etc. they are listed as having a certain base value. This is the value before reaching level 1. Therefore the statistics of the champion at a certain level are found by multiplying that level (including level 1) by the amount that increases per level, and adding the base. This is an important distinction especially for level 1.
    • The attack damage, ability power, attack speed, movement speed, armor, and magic resistance of any unit can be viewed by targeting that unit during the game, along with two bars indicating its current and maximum health and mana (or resource equivalent). if the value is written in blue, that champion only has the base value of that stat. If they are green, that stat was boosted by external means.
    • damage from a critical hit is not seen in the champion's stats chart during gameplay. Conversely, the range is displayed, although it is not one of the official statistics.
    • In the champion statistics chart, magic penetration is listed as Spell Penetration.
    • In the spectator champion's stats chart, Dodge is listed, despite being eliminated from the game.

    See also

    • Champion Base Stats
    • Champion stats at level 18

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