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    " "Behind me, Demacian! You may not have noticed, but I am very big."
    - Gallium Gallium

    On the outskirts of the glittering city of Demacia, the stone colossus Gallio stands on constant guard. Built as a bulwark against enemy mages, it stands motionless for decades until the presence of powerful magic awakens it. Once activated, Galio spends most of his time savoring the thrill of the fight and the exceptional honor of defending his compatriots. But his triumphs are always bittersweet, for the magic he destroys is also the source of his revival, and each victory deactivates him once more.



    Galio's creation began after the Runic Wars, when refugees from all over the land fled from the destructive power of magic. Some say that in western Valoran, a group of these displaced people were being hunted by a band of cruel dark wizards. Exhausted after days without rest, the refugees hid in the shadows of an ancient petrified forest. The wizards who were chasing them suddenly discovered that their magic had no effect in the strange forests.

    It seemed that the fossilized trees were a natural damper for magic and any sorcery used inside them simply vanished. Now that they were not defenseless, the refugees attacked the dark wizards with their swords and drove them from those lands.

    Some decided that this refuge from magic was a gift from the gods, others saw it as a just reward for their terrible journey, but all agreed that this must be their new home.

    Over the years, the villagers created protective objects with enchanted wood. Over time, they discovered that it could be mixed with ash and lime to make petricite, a material with powerful resistance to magic. It would be the foundation of their new civilization, with which they would form the walls of the new kingdom of Demacia.

    For years, Petricite Barriers were the only thing Demacians needed to feel safe from magical threats within the borders of their land. In the rare cases where they needed to settle a conflict on the outskirts, their army proved to be fierce and formidable. However, when their enemies used sorcery, Demacia's roving army had little to confront them with. The elders of the realm decided that somehow they needed to bring the security their magic buffer walls provided into battle. The sculptor Durand was commissioned to fashion a kind of petricite shield for the army, and two years later the artist unveiled his masterpiece. Although not what many were hoping for, the grandiose winged Galio statue would be vital to the defense of the nation, as well as serving as a symbol of Demacia's might throughout Runeterra.

    Every time the army was sent to face a magical threat, they mobilized Galio. Using a system of pulleys, steel sleds, and endless oxen, they carried the great stone figure onto the battlefield. The presence of such an amount of petricite easily nullified almost any arcane attack, giving people who had once fled from magic the ability to face it in open warfare. Many of the would-be invaders were paralyzed at the mere sight of the impressive figure looming above the trees. The Titan who "ate magic" inspired a kingdom and terrified those who opposed him. During all that time, no one considered what it might do to expose the statue to such unimaginable amounts of arcane energy ...

    The strange effect of those magics would alter the course of history. Demacia had been engaged in a grueling battle against Noxian forces in the Greenfang Mountains, north of Valoran. Unbeknownst to the Demacians, Noxus had assembled an elite group of warrior mages known as the Arcane Fist. When invading ground forces cornered the Demacians into a vast valley, the Arcane Fist bombarded them with crackling arrows of pure mystical power. To the surprise of the Demacians, the projectiles pierced through Galio's anti-magic field.

    For thirteen days, the Demacian army was beaten by their enemies and the survivors felt their morale evaporate with every hour that passed. Just when their spirits couldn't sink any lower, they heard the familiar thunder of arcane explosions breaking through their ranks. But this time, the explosions were followed by a new sound. A slow, deafening roar shook the valley, as if two mountains were colliding. When a huge shadow formed over them, the terrified Demacian troops shuddered and prepared to die.

    "Shall we fight?" Bellowed a deep voice from above.

    To the amazement of the Demacians, the sound came from an imposing colossus behind them. Galio moved and spoke, of his own free will. Somehow, the accumulation of magic he had absorbed had given him life.

    The astonished onlookers gaped at the titan as they tried to understand what was going on. Before they could comprehend it, another searing projectile descended into the Demacian field with a perfect trajectory to eliminate the remaining soldiers. Galio rushed to the front of the troops and Gallium it absorbed the attack with its massive stone structure.

    He turned to the source of the projectile and saw five tiny humans on the slopes of the nearby mountain.

    "Enemy magicians!" Let the violence begin! - shouted the colossus.

    As he climbed the mountain, the Noxians focused all their efforts on a concentrated funnel of arcane energy that would have melted almost any stone in Valoran. But as the funnel dissipated, the wizards saw that the titan remained standing, its eyes closed and glowing warmly, as if absorbing the offensive magic. Then, almost with boyish enthusiasm, Galio continued up the slope and Gallium he smashed the Arcane Fist against the rocky ground.

    As the remaining Noxian forces fled, the surviving Demacians erupted in cheers for victory. They were eager to thank the Petricite Sentinel for saving them, but as quickly as it had come to life, the fearsome protector had stopped moving, returning to the same position it had always held on its pedestal.

    Back home, the strange story of the living colossus was quietly told by the few who had survived the Battle of the Green Fang. But it was always greeted with silent disbelief, as if it were just another madman's story. Over time, those who had witnessed Galio's animation simply stopped talking about it, for fear that their sanity would be questioned. It became a simple legend, perhaps an allegory invented in ancient days to help people get through difficult times.

    No person in the four corners of the kingdom would have believed that the colossus continued to see everything that was happening around it. Even motionless, he held his consciousness, eager to experience the visceral sensation of battle once more. Striking enemies with gigantic stone fists was exciting, but being trapped in a gigantic stone body, unable to move, was tragic.

    Forced to watch silently, Galio watched the humans pass below him, paying homage to him year after year, as in a distant, fuzzy dream. Although he knew very little about them individually, he began to feel that he knew them as a people. It puzzled him to see them disappear one by one as time passed, seemingly replaced with new bodies, with new lives.

    He wondered where they went when they disappeared. Perhaps they were sent to be restored, like Galio when he returned from a fight.

    After one of many battles against the barbarians of the Freljord, Galio saw long lines of men carrying what appeared to be covered stretchers back into the city. As the procession passed in front of him, one of the covers fell, revealing the still, pale face of a young soldier. He was a boy Galio had seen before, and the colossus couldn't understand why someone so bold would choose to be transported around the city on a covered stretcher. Galio began to realize the painful answer to his question. Unlike him, people could not be repainted or restored so easily. Humans were fragile and ephemeral creatures, and now he understood how much they needed his protection. Fighting had been his passion, but people were his purpose now.

    Since then, Galio has been able to join the battle only a handful of times, and at times he has spent centuries immobile. Magic became rarer in the world, so he remains in his dormant state, observing everything through the haze of his waking dreams. The gigantic statue's greatest hope is to be blessed with magic so powerful that it never has to fall asleep again.

    Only then can Galio fully serve his purpose: to always stand and fight as a constant protector of Demacia.

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    Champion protagonist

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    Short story • 17 minute read

    Meat and Rock

    By John O'Bryan

    A young woman ashamed of her power. A monolith that has plenty of curiosity. An odd pair or the perfect pair?

    Starring: Gallium Gallium, Gallium Luxury

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference


    Short story • 6 minute read

    Wake up a Hero

    By John O'Bryan

    A pinch of magic is all it takes to awaken the Colossus and invite him to destroy everything. Just got one.

    Starring: Gallium Gallium

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    Starring: Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Gallium, Gallium We are, Gallium Kai'Sa, Gallium Lux, Gallium Sylas, Gallium Urgot, Gallium Vi

    Mentioned champion

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference


    Short story

    Art is Life

    by Graham McNeill

    Nights in Noxus were never quiet.

    Starring: Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Gallium, Gallium Kindred, Gallium LeBlanc, Gallium Mordekaiser

    alternative universes

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference


    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Amumu, Gallium Anivia, Gallium Annie, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Braum, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Dr. World, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Janna, Gallium Jhin, Gallium Jinx, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Us, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium end, Gallium Soraka, Gallium Syndra, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Thresh, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Urgot, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium yorick, Gallium Zac, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zyra

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Akali, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Bard, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Evelynn, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fiora, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Jhin, Gallium kayn, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium LeBlanc, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nunu y Willump, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Roast, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium Sivir, Gallium end, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zoe, Gallium Zyra

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Quest for the Crystal: Series 2

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Gallium Bard, Gallium Sejuani, Gallium Varus

    Mentioned: Gallium Anivia, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Irelia, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Lissandra, Gallium Lux, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Ornn, Gallium Skarner, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Tryndamere, Gallium Udyr, Gallium volibear

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Grips and Soles: Series 2

    By Risu

    Starring: Gallium We, Gallium Zyra

    Mentioned: Gallium aatrox, Gallium Ahri, Gallium Alistar, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Annie, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Azir, Gallium Bard, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Diana Gallium trot, Gallium Echo, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Graves, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Kha'Zix, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lioness, Gallium Lucian, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Maokai, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nautilus, Gallium Nidalee, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Orianna, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Quinn, Gallium Friend, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Udyr, Gallium Value, Gallium Vel'Koz, Gallium Viktor, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Xin Zhao, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium Ziggs


    Mentioned champion

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference


    Short story

    Art is Life

    by Graham McNeill

    Nights in Noxus were never quiet.

    Starring: Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Gallium, Gallium Kindred, Gallium LeBlanc, Gallium Mordekaiser

    alternative universes

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference


    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Amumu, Gallium Anivia, Gallium Annie, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Braum, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Dr. World, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Janna, Gallium Jhin, Gallium Jinx, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Us, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium end, Gallium Soraka, Gallium Syndra, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Thresh, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Urgot, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium yorick, Gallium Zac, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zyra

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Akali, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Bard, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Evelynn, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fiora, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Jhin, Gallium kayn, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium LeBlanc, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nunu y Willump, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Roast, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium Sivir, Gallium end, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zoe, Gallium Zyra

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    Quest for the Crystal: Series 2

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Gallium Bard, Gallium Sejuani, Gallium Varus

    Mentioned: Gallium Anivia, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Irelia, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Lissandra, Gallium Lux, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Ornn, Gallium Skarner, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Tryndamere, Gallium Udyr, Gallium volibear

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Grips and Soles: Series 2

    By Risu

    Starring: Gallium We, Gallium Zyra

    Mentioned: Gallium aatrox, Gallium Ahri, Gallium Alistar, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Annie, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Azir, Gallium Bard, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Diana Gallium trot, Gallium Echo, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Graves, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Kha'Zix, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lioness, Gallium Lucian, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Maokai, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nautilus, Gallium Nidalee, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Orianna, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Quinn, Gallium Friend, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Udyr, Gallium Value, Gallium Vel'Koz, Gallium Viktor, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Xin Zhao, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium Ziggs


    alternative universes

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    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    Academia Adventures: Series 2

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Amumu, Gallium Anivia, Gallium Annie, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Braum, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Dr. World, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Janna, Gallium Jhin, Gallium Jinx, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Us, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium end, Gallium Soraka, Gallium Syndra, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Thresh, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Urgot, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium yorick, Gallium Zac, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zyra

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Academia Adventures: Series 3

    By Gutter Rat

    Starring: Gallium Ahri, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Darius, Gallium Echo, Gallium Vladimir

    Mentioned: Gallium Akali, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Bard, Gallium trot, Gallium Elise, Gallium Evelynn, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fiddlesticks, Gallium Fiora, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Jhin, Gallium kayn, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium LeBlanc, Gallium Lulu, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malzahar, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nunu y Willump, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Friend, Gallium Rammus, Gallium Rek'Sai, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Roast, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Ryze, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Singed, Gallium Sivir, Gallium end, Gallium Taliyah, Gallium Talon, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Twitch, Gallium Varus, Gallium Veigar, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Zed, Gallium Ziggs, Gallium Zoe, Gallium Zyra

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Quest for the Crystal: Series 2

    By ARTeapot

    Starring: Gallium Bard, Gallium Sejuani, Gallium Varus

    Mentioned: Gallium Anivia, Gallium Ashe, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Irelia, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Lissandra, Gallium Lux, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Ornn, Gallium Skarner, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Tryndamere, Gallium Udyr, Gallium volibear

    GalliumEdit • Image • Reference



    Grips and Soles: Series 2

    By Risu

    Starring: Gallium We, Gallium Zyra

    Mentioned: Gallium aatrox, Gallium Ahri, Gallium Alistar, Gallium Amumu, Gallium Annie, Gallium Aurelion Sol, Gallium Azir, Gallium Bard, Gallium Blitzcrank, Gallium Caitlyn, Gallium Cho'Gath, Gallium Diana Gallium trot, Gallium Echo, Gallium Ezreal, Gallium Fizz, Gallium Gallium, Gallium Gnar, Gallium Graves, Gallium Heimerdinger, Gallium Jayce, Gallium Kha'Zix, Gallium Kog'Maw, Gallium Lioness, Gallium Lucian, Gallium Lux, Gallium Malphite, Gallium Maokai, Gallium Miss Fortune, Gallium Nasus, Gallium Nautilus, Gallium Nidalee, Gallium Olaf, Gallium Orianna, Gallium Poppy, Gallium Quinn, Gallium Friend, Gallium Renekton, Gallium Riven, Gallium Rumble, Gallium Shaco, Gallium Taric, Gallium Teemo, Gallium Tibbers, Gallium Tristana, Gallium Trundle, Gallium Udyr, Gallium Value, Gallium Vel'Koz, Gallium Viktor, Gallium Volibear, Gallium Warwick, Gallium Wukong, Gallium Xayah, Gallium Xin Zhao, Gallium Yasuo, Gallium Ziggs


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