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    A kinematics is another way of referring to a movie, typically the style in which these movies are made. There are currently four cutscenes released by Riot.


    Welcome to League of Legends

    Archivo:League of Legends - Season One CG Cinematic Trailer


    Published by Riot Games on July 12, 2010, it is the first cinematic made to promote League of Legends.

    Champion list in order of appearance:

    Kinematics Kayle, Kinematics Morgana, Kinematics Nasus, Kinematics Ryze, Kinematics Alistar, Kinematics Cho'Gath, Kinematics Master Yi, Kinematics Katarina, Kinematics Ashe, Kinematics Warwick



    League of Legends - Dominion Cinematic Trailer HD ツ

    Making a taste of the new game mode, Dominion, this trailer was accidentally released on the Brazilian Championship Stream on October 25, 2012. It was developed by Riot but later discarded [1] and was never officially released.

    Champion list in order of appearance:

    Kinematics Jarvan IV, Kinematics Lux, Kinematics Irelia, Kinematics Teemo, Kinematics Ryze, Kinematics Miss Fortune, Kinematics Cassiopeia, Kinematics Mordekaiser, Kinematics Malphite, Kinematics Swain

    A Tour of Destiny

    Archivo:League of Legends Cinematic A Twist of Fate


    Created by Blur Studios and published by Riot Games on May 25, 2013.

    Champion list in order of appearance:

    Kinematics Twisted Fate, Kinematics Fiddlesticks, Kinematics Ryze, Kinematics Nocturne, Kinematics Katarina, Kinematics We are, Kinematics Tryndamere, Kinematics Annie

    Baron Nashor Baron Nashor also appears at the end. This was a teaser made by Riot of what Baron Nashor might look like in a future visual upgrade, confirmed in conjunction with the Summoner's Rift visual update in July 2014.

    See Also: League of Legends Cinematic: A Twist of Fate - Behind the Scenes

    A new sunrise

    Archivo:League of Legends Cinematic A New Dawn


    Created by Blur Studios and published by Riot Games on July 22, 2014.

    Dawn gives us a landscape consecrated to blood and steel. The battle begins at dawn. After the Twist of Fate cinematic, we now create A New Dawn to explore, like never seen before, several of our champions and the brutal side of teamfights.

    Official announcement here.

    Champion list in order of appearance:

    Kinematics Lioness, Kinematics Ahri, Kinematics Katarina, Kinematics Darius, Kinematics trot, Kinematics Office, Kinematics Graves, Kinematics Rengar, Kinematics Jax, Kinematics Nautilus

    See Also: League of Legends Cinematic: A New Dawn - Behind the Scenes

    A New Dawn (Music)


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