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    The picture shows the scope of Scope Neurotoxina de Scope Elise before and after at the VPBE. While the numerical value was reduced by 125 units, the change in the targeting type only reduces the range by 25 against Brand.

    Scope is a measure used to determine how far a basic attack or skill can go. It shares scale with the speed of movement, a point is translated as a distance of the game crossed. Note that the range of basic attacks is measured differently than the range of an ability. Given the hitbox of a source unit and the hitbox of a target unit, range is calculated as follows: range of edge-to-edge basic attacks; that of skills with a center-to-center objective; edge-to-edge skill shooting; and areas of effect focused on a champion from the edge of the fountain (larger champions do not benefit less from lesser champion auras). The difference is approximately 100 (for example a basic attack range of 550 units has a launch range of around 650 units) [1] [2] [3]

    Each champion begins the game with a certain base range of basic attacks. This can range from 125 to 175 units for melee units and from 425 to 650 for ranged units. The greatest base range of basic attacks belongs to Scope Caitlyn. At level 18, it is 661 Scope Tristana overcoming a Scope Caitlyn at level 16 with 655 basic attack range. This is due to Scope In the sights of Scope Tristana.


    Basic Attack Range Modifiers

    • Scope Massacre of Scope Aatrox increases his attack range from 150 to 325 for 12 seconds.
    • Scope devour of Scope Cho'Gath increases his attack range by 3.8 / 6.1 / 8.3 per stack. The maximum is +50 at level 3 and 6 stacks.
    • Scope Devastating Charge of Scope Hecarim increases his attack range from 175 to 325 for the attack.
    • Scope carapescada of Scope Jinx increases her attack range from 525 to 600/625/650/675/700.
    • Scope Savor your fear of Scope Kha'Zix increases his range from 125 to 175 by evolving the skill after leveling up his ultimate, Scope Void Attack.
    • Bio-arcana Download Bio-arcana Download Scope Kog'Maw increases his attack range from 500 to 630/650/670/690/710 for 8 seconds.
    • Scope Shield of the Dawn of Scope Leona increases her attack range from 125 to 155 for the attack.
    • Scope Fury of the Sands Scope Nasus increases his attack range from 125 to 175 for the duration.
    • Scope Invisible Predator of Scope Rengar increases his range from 125 to 600 (750 with 6 trophies on the Bonetooth Necklace Bonetooth Necklace) while in a brush and 0.5 second after exiting it, causing him to jump towards his target.
    • Scope Sword of Exile by Scope Riven increases her attack range from 125 to 200 for 15 seconds.
    • Scope In the sights of Scope Tristana increases her base attack range from 550 by 7 with each level (+119 at level 18).
    • Ra-ta-ta-ta Ra-ta-ta-ta de Scope Twitch increases his attack range from 550 to 850 for 7 seconds.
    • Scope Crushing Blow of Scope Wukong increases his attack range from 175 to 300 for the attack.

    The following skills change the classification of a champion's attack from "ranged" to "melee", or vice versa. This affects things like Scope Emblem of Ashes, Scope Ice Mallet, Scope Tiamat, Scope voracious hydra, Scope Runaan Hurricane and Scope Cimitarra Mercurial.

    • Scope Arachnid form of Scope Elise reduces her attack range from 550 to 125 until she changes form.
    • Scope Gene's Fury Scope Gnar reduces his attack range from 400-500 to 150 until he changes form.
    • Transform: Mercury Cannon Transform: Mercury Cannon from Scope Jayce increases his attack range from 125 to 500 until he changes position.
    • Righteous Fury Righteous Fury of Scope Kayle increases her attack range from 125 to 525 for 10 seconds.
    • Scope Puma fur Scope Nidalee reduces her attack range from 525 to 125 until she changes form.
    • Relay relay Scope Quinn reduces his attack range from 525 to 125 for 20 seconds or until he uses Heaven Strike Heaven Strike.


    Ranged champion list from highest to lowest basic attack range.

    Champion Scope
    Scope Twitch (with Ra-ta-ta-ta Ra-ta-ta-ta 850
    Scope Kog'Maw (with Bio-arcane Bolt Bio-arcane Bolt at level 5) 710
    Scope Jinx (us Scope Change of Arms! at level 4 while using Scope Carapescado) 700
    Scope Tristana (us Scope In the crosshairs at level 18) 661
    Scope Caitlyn 650
    Scope Annie 625
    Scope Anivia, Scope Ashe 600
    Scope Varus, Scope Zyra 575
    Scope Ahri, Scope Brand, Scope Cassiopeia, Scope Daughters, Scope trot, Scope Elise (in its Human Form Human Form), Scope Ezreal, Scope Heimerdinger, Scope Know, Scope Lissandra, Scope Lulu, Scope Lux, Scope Malzahar, Scope Miss Fortune, Scope Us, Scope Ryze, Scope end, Scope Soraka, Scope Syndra, Scope Twitch, Scope Vayne, Scope Ziggs, Scope Zilean 550
    Scope Graves, Scope Jinx, Scope Karma, Scope Kayle (with Righteous Fury Righteous Fury), Scope LeBlanc, Scope Nidalee, Scope Orianna, Scope Quinn, Scope Twisted Fate, Scope Veigar, Scope Viktor, Scope Vel'Koz, Scope Xerath, Scope Tristana (us Scope In the crosshairs at level 1), Scope Kai'Sa 525
    Scope Bard, Scope Jayce (with Transform: Mercury Cannon Transform: Mercury Cannon), Scope Kog'Maw, Scope Lucian, Scope Sivir, Scope Swain, Scope Teemo 500
    Mini Gnar Mini Gnar (us Scope Gene of Fury at level 18) 485
    Scope fiddlesticks 480
    Scope Janna 475
    Scope Karthus, Scope Vladimir, Scope Morgana, Scope Thresh 450
    Scope Urgot 425
    Mini Gnar Mini Gnar (us Scope Gene of Fury at level 1) 400

    List of scrum champions.

    Champion Scope
    Scope Rengar (us Scope Invisible Predator and 6 trophies on his Bonetooth Necklace Bonetooth Necklace) 725
    Scope Rengar (us Scope Invisible Predator) 600
    Scope Aatrox (us Scope Slaughter), Scope Hecarim (us Scope Devastating Charge) 325
    Scope Wukong (us Scope Crushing Blow) 300
    Scope Riven (us Scope Sword of Exile), Scope Kassadin (us Scope Infernal Blade), Scope Nidalee (us Scope Overthrow) 200
    Scope Cho'Gath (us Scope Devour at level 3 and 6 stacks), Scope Fizz, Scope Hecarim, Scope Jarvan IV, Scope Kha'Zix (us Scope Savor their evolved fear), Scope Nasus (us Scope Fury of the Sands), Scope Nautilus, Scope We (us Scope Excessive Force) Scope Wukong, Scope Xin Zhao, Scope Yasuo 175
    Scope Leona (us Scope Shield of Dawn) 155
    Scope aatrox, Scope Diana Scope Mega Gnar, Scope Pantheon, Scope Kassadin 150
    Scope Darius (us Scope crippling blow) 145
    Scope Nunu (by eating a golem-type monster with Scope Voracity) 138
    Scope Akali, Scope Alistar, Scope Amumu, Scope Blitzcrank, Scope Braum, Scope Cho'Gath, Scope Darius, Scope Dr. World, Scope Elise (at their Scope Arachnid form), Scope Evelynn, Scope Fiora, Scope Gallium, Scope Gangplank, Scope We are, Scope Gragas, Scope Irelia, Scope Jax, Scope Jayce (with Transform: Hammer of Mercury Transform: Hammer of Mercury),, Scope Katarina, Scope Kayle, Scope Kha'Zix, Scope Read without, Scope Lioness, Scope Malphite, Scope Maokai, Scope Maestro Yi, Scope Mordekaiser, Scope Nasus, Scope Nidalee (us Scope Puma fur), Scope Nocturne, Scope Nunu, Scope Olaf, Scope Poppy, Scope Rammus, Scope Renekton, Scope Rengar, Scope Riven, Scope Rumble, Scope Sejuani, Scope Shaco, Scope Shen, Scope Shyvana, Scope Singed, Scope Sion, Scope Skarner, Scope Talon, Scope Taric, Scope Trundle, Scope Tryndamere, Scope Udyr, Scope Value, Scope We, Scope Volibear, Scope yorick, Scope Warwick, Scope Zac, Scope Zed 125

    Targeted Skills (Exceptions)

    The following targeted abilities calculate their range as a basic attack (edge-to-edge):

    • Scope Neurotoxina de Scope Elise y Scope Rappel
    • Scope Lacerating Light of Scope Lucian
    • Scope Double bullet Scope Miss Fortune
    • Explosive Shot Explosive Shot of Scope Tristana and Scope Destroy Shot
    • This list may be incomplete.


    1. ↑ Hitboxes, Range and Deflection. Retrieved 13 August 2012
    2. ↑ Annie q and normal attack same 625 range, but normal attack range longer than q, Why?. Retrieved 13 August 2012
    3. ↑ What's the difference between spell range and autoattack range?. Retrieved 13 August 2012

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