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    Champion updates

    Champion updates

    Champions (by Suke Su, Riot artist)

    Un champion is a being or a person who has been summoned to the League of Legends to fight in the Fields of Justice. It is the way to call the selectable characters to play.

    Development Attributes Free Rotation Fonts Champion Updates

    Visual Updates and Skill Redesign

    Main article in English: Dev Blog: Champion Updates

    This is a list of champions who have received any type of redesign, from visual improvements, to texture updates, changes to their skill set, and complete re-releases.

    Champion Link Date
    Champion updates Kayle Skill Redesign 2010-07-06
    Champion updates Mordekaiser Skill Redesign 2010-11-01
    Champion updates Ryze Skill Redesign 2011-02-15
    Champion updates Sona Skill Redesign 2011-03-14
    Champion updates Alistar Skill Redesign 2011-04-25
    Champion updates fiddlesticks Skill Redesign 2011-04-25
    Champion updates Gangplank Skill Redesign 2011-04-25
    Champion updates Janna Visual Improvement 2011-07-25
    Champion updates Kayle Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2011-07-25
    Champion updates Tryndamere Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2011-07-25
    Champion updates Gangplank Visual Improvement 2011-11-25
    Champion updates Ashe Visual Improvement 2012-05-23
    Champion updates Katarina Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2012-08-09
    Champion updates Soraka Visual Improvement 2012-09-27
    Champion updates Twisted fate Visual Improvement 2012-10-17
    Champion updates Nidalee Visual Improvement 2012-12-14
    Champion updates Annie Visual Improvement 2013-02-01
    Champion updates Karma Full Relaunch 2013-03-28
    Champion updates Sejuani Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2013-04-30
    Champion updates Trundle Full Relaunch 2013-04-30
    Champion updates Master Yi Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2013-07-30
    Champion updates Thread Visual Improvement 2013-10-01
    Champion updates Olaf Skill Redesign 2013-10-01
    Champion updates Rammus Textures Update 2013-10-29
    Champion updates sivir Visual Improvement and Skill Redesign 2013-10-29
    Champion updates Heimerdinger Skill Redesign 2013-10-29
    Champion updates Nasus Visual Improvement 2013-11-21
    Champion updates Anivia Textures Update 2013-12-13
    Champion updates Xerath Skill Redesign 2014-02-11
    Champion updates Skarner Skill Redesign 2014-02-11
    Champion updates Heimerdinger Visual Improvement 2014-03-18
    Champion updates Kassadin Skill Redesign and New Visual Effects (same model) 2014-03-18
    Champion updates Gragas Skill Redesign 2014-04-03
    Champion updates Rengar Skill Redesign 2014-04-03
    Champion updates Twitch Visual Improvement 2014-04-22
    Champion updates Karthus Visual Improvement 2014-06-04
    Champion updates Nidalee Skill Redesign 2014-06-18
    Champion updates Skarner Skill Redesign and Texture Updates 2014-06-18
    Champion updates Sona Geometry and Textures Update and Skill Redesign 2014-07-30
    Champion updates Cassiopeia Textures Update and Skill Redesign 2014-09-10
    Champion updates Renekton Textures Update 2014-09-10
    Champion updates Soraka Skill Redesign 2014-09-25
    Champion updates Viktor Textures Update and Skill Redesign 2014-09-25
    Champion updates Sion Full Relaunch 2014-10-09
    Champion updates singed Geometry and Textures Update 2014-11-11
    Champion updates Maokai Geometry and Textures Update 2014-11-19
    Champion updates Alistar Visual Improvement 2015-01-15
    Champion updates Tristana Visual Improvement and Gameplay Changes 2015-01-28
    Champion updates Zilean Visual Improvement (VFX) and Gameplay Changes 2015-02-25
    Champion updates Weighs Visual Improvement (VFX) and Gameplay Changes 2015-02-25
    Champion updates Kassadin Visual Improvement 2015-03-12
    Champion updates Morgana Visual Enhancement (VFX) 2015-04-08
    Champion updates poppy Visual Improvement and Gameplay Changes (Full Relaunch) Coming soon
    Champion updates Ryze Visual Improvement and Gameplay Changes Coming soon

    Upcoming Champion Redesigns

    Skill Redesign This scale of redesigns covers changes to champion abilities beyond numerical adjustments. Animations and other visual effects can be updated, but the champion model and main theme remain intact. In some cases, the redesign of the skill set will "fix" the skill set to match the intended theme. For instance: Champion updates Evelynn, Champion updates Taric and Champion updates Xin Zhao.
    • Champion updates Fiora [1]
    • Champion updates Galio [2]
    • Champion updates Darius [3]
    • Champion updates Gangplank [3]
    Visual Update This scale of redesign covers changes to the model and artwork of a champion. This often includes a more up-to-date version of voice and story, and may include bug fixes and minor balance changes - but it doesn't change the champion's main theme. For instance: Champion updates Soraka, Champion updates Annie y Champion updates Twisted Fate.
    • Champion updates Cho'Gath [4]
    • Champion updates Evelynn [5]
    • Champion updates Mordekaiser [6]
    • Champion updates Nunu [7]
    Texture Update This scale of redesign focuses on champions whose models, rigs, animations, and other frameworks are decently shaped, and need only a few adjustments to their model geometry and polish their textures for quality and readability. For instance: Champion updates Anivia, Champion updates Rammus and Champion updates Skarner.
    • IronStylus stated that Champion updates Miss Fortune, Champion updates Lux, y Champion updates Vayne may be listed for "TU" (Texture Update) [8]
    • Almost all ancient champions (before Champion updates Lulu) have had a texture update to some extent to accommodate the new Summoner's Rift.
    Skill Redesign and Visual Update Combine both categories. This scale of the skill set redesign is generally larger than a separate skill redesign as developers can plan for more in-depth model and visual effects changes. The main theme of the champion remains intact. For instance: Champion updates Katarina, Champion updates Master Yi and Champion updates Sejuani.
    • Champion updates LeBlanc [9]
    • Champion updates Ryze [10]
    • Champion updates Warwick [11][12][13]
    Full Relaunch Unlike previous classifications, a full relaunch involves a review of the identity of the champion - focusing on some aspects while dropping others. This affects the history of the champion, his personality, art and model. The degree to which skills are redesigned varies. For instance: Champion updates Karma and Champion updates Trundle
    • Champion updates Poppy [14]
    • Champion updates Taric [15]
    • Champion updates Urgot [16][17]
    • Champion updates yorick [18]
    Unknown Scale


    Suggested / Filtered


    This is a list of champion concepts that started as an idea, but never became a final product that could be released in-game. Some of these ideas have evolved into art and / or designs of certain champions that are now in the game.

    Concept name Notes
    Avasha Concept art later incorporated into Champion updates Riven
    Champion updates Averdrian -
    Eagle Rider Probably redesigned as Champion updates Quinn
    Originally suggested by Ezreal [19], the concept was passed on at an early stage as no personality could be found for the idea. [20]
    Machinist / mechanic woman The concept was strongly proposed again as Champion updates Vi [21]
    Gavid, the Plant King Gavid, the Plant King Probably redesigned as Champion updates Maokai[22] with several abilities later implemented onto Champion updates Zyra
    Iron Machinist Concept art probably incorporated in Champion updates Blitzcrank
    Komachi[23] A pure tank. It was in development by Xypherous before its concepts were recycled into Champion updates Thresh
    Omen Omen Archived concept for which Riot could not find a suitable personality. [24]
    Champion updates Priscilla, the Spider Queen Concept redesigned in Champion updates Elise
    Champion updates Rob Blackblade, the Dashing Rogue -
    Seth Code name for an unnamed Sand Mage. A correct concept could not be achieved in the allotted time. It was filed in a manner similar to Omen. [25]
    Champion updates Tabu, the Voodoo Shaman -
    tense[26] [27] -
    Tiki Concept art probably incorporated into the look Champion updates Maokai Totemico
    Twin Yordle Concept [28] One has bombs and the other has a rocket launcher while on a motorcycle with a sidecar. The idea was being developed by FeralPony before half of the concept became Champion updates Ziggs
    Champion updates Well, the Water Wizard Probably redesigned in Champion updates Nami


    The following champions were never released, but they do have a story, appear in various champion skins, and are an Easter egg in various illustrations:

    • Urf the Manatee Urf the Manatee - April Fool's Day "pet", Urf appears when playing with the following skins:
      • Champion updates Urf the Manatee (2010)
      • Champion updates Corki MontaUrfs (2011)
      • Champion updates Fisherman Fizz (2012)
      • Champion updates Janna Reportera (2013)
        • Urf can be seen trapped inside his Champion updates Howling Gale
      • Champion updates Udyr Guardian Spirit (2013)
        • Urf's ghost appears in Udyr's prank.
      • Champion updates Urf el Namiti (2015)


    1. ^ Morello foresees changes for Fiora (English).
    2. ↑ ricklessabandon on the changes of Galio (English).
    3. ↑ 3,0 3,1 Gangplank and Darius redesigns in development (English).
    4. ↑ RiotNarya mentions Cho'Gath update
    5. ↑ Morello mentions that Evelynn and Twitch will at some point receive art upgrades
    6. ↑ Grumpy Monkey confirms Mordekaiser VU
    7. ↑ IronStylus confirms Nunu is on the way for VU
    8. ↑ Red Post Collection: More on Rammus "TU"Tentative 3.13 Ahri discussion, 3.13 Zyra context, and MORE!
    9. ↑ IronStylus says that LeBlanc is listed both on "Visual and Gameplay Update section"
    10. ↑ Ryze Visual and Gameplay Update
    11. ↑ Morello admits that Warwick's kit is a lackbuster
    12. ↑ Warwick will have VU
    13. ↑ Kit rework
    14. ↑ Meddler mentions the next big project after Sion is Urgot and Poppy
    15. ↑ Taric Full relaunch
    16. ↑ Meddler mentions the next big project after Sion is Urgot and Poppy
    17. ↑ Meddler gives insight how big Urgot rework is
    18. ↑ Meddler declares Yorick to be Sion level work
    19. ↑ Ezreal hydra
    20. ↑ Ezreal confirms the Elemental Hydra concept was scrapped
    21. ↑ Meddler on postponed Champions
    22. ↑ Seed of inspiration
    23. ↑ Xypherous confirms that Komachi is canceled
    24. ↑ IronStylus explains Omen's problems
    25. ↑ Morello confirms Seth was shelved
    26. ↑ Ezreal mentions Tempus in his 14th answer
    27. Time on "permanent hiatus"
    28. ↑ Ezreal Q&A

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