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    Coop Vs. TAKES

    Co-op vs. AI is a game mode in League of Legends where a team of players take on a team of computer-controlled champions commonly known as bots. The size of the team is the same as in normal player versus player matches, but the variety of game modes has been reduced.

    Coop Vs. TAKES

    La Co-op vs. IA banner.



    Co-op vs. AI It is available in Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. There are three difficulties to choose from: Introduction (SR only), Beginner, and Intermediate. Players can queue alone or in groups, and they are combined in a similar way to normal games. However, players are ranked by level rather than their matchmaking ranking. The First Victory of the Day mission is available, and normal and ranked MMRs are not affected.

    Co-op rewards against AI are slightly higher than custom games, but lower than normal or ranked matches. The current rules for Co-op vs AI rewards are:

    • All Summoners can earn unlimited rewards of Coop Vs. TAKES XP e Coop Vs. TAKES IP per day in Co-op vs. AI. However, level 15+ summoners can only earn 75% of Co-op vs. normal AI rewards after 180 minutes.
    • Co-op vs. AI does not award champion mastery points.
    • The following modifiers apply based on summoner level and bot's difficulty setting. These percentages represent the amount of the standard reward that is received:
    Standard reward percentage
    Summoner level Difficulty
    Beginner Intermediate
    1 9 100% 100%
    10 19 85% 100%
    20 29 70% 90%
    30 55% 80%

    There is a group of 68 champions that bots can be chosen from. They are as follows, listed in categories according to five main roles: [1]

    • Please note: Coop Vs. TAKES Xerath y Coop Vs. TAKES Vayne bots are not available in custom games.
    • Please note: Coop Vs. TAKES Sona bot was removed after its remake.
    • Nota: Aatrox, Anivia, Azir, Bard, Camille, Diana, Draven, Ekko, Elise, Evelynn, Fiora, Gnar, Gragas, Hecarim, Illaoi, Janna, Jayce, Kalista, Karma, Kassadin, Kennen, Kha'Zix, Kindred, Kled, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Lissandra, Lulu, Mordekaiser, Nautilus, Poppy, Rek'Sai, Rengar, Riven, Rumble, Sejuani, Shaco, Singed, Skarner, Syndra, Talon, Thresh, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Urgot, Varus, Vel'Koz, Vi, Viktor, Volibear, Zac, and Zed bot are yet to be added.
    Fighter body Mago Sniper Support Tank

    Coop Vs. TAKES Gangplank
    Coop Vs. TAKES Thread
    Coop Vs. TAKES Irelia
    Coop Vs. TAKES Jarvan IV
    Coop Vs. TAKES Jax
    Coop Vs. TAKES Master Yi
    Coop Vs. TAKES Nasus
    Coop Vs. TAKES nocturne
    Coop Vs. TAKES Olaf
    Coop Vs. TAKES Shyvana
    Coop Vs. TAKES Renekton
    Coop Vs. TAKES Trundle
    Coop Vs. TAKES Udyr
    Coop Vs. TAKES Warwick
    Coop Vs. TAKES Wukong
    Coop Vs. TAKES Xin Zhao
    Coop Vs. TAKES Yasuo

    Coop Vs. TAKES Ahri
    Coop Vs. TAKES Akali
    Coop Vs. TAKES Annie
    Coop Vs. TAKES Aurelion Sol
    Coop Vs. TAKES Brand
    Coop Vs. TAKES Cassiopeia
    Coop Vs. TAKES fiddlesticks
    Coop Vs. TAKES Fizz
    Coop Vs. TAKES Heimerdinger
    Coop Vs. TAKES Karthus
    Coop Vs. TAKES Katarina
    Coop Vs. TAKES Malzahar
    Coop Vs. TAKES Nidalee
    Coop Vs. TAKES Orianna
    Coop Vs. TAKES Ryze
    Coop Vs. TAKES Swain
    Coop Vs. TAKES Weighs
    Coop Vs. TAKES Vladimir
    Coop Vs. TAKES Xerath
    Coop Vs. TAKES Ziggs

    Coop Vs. TAKES Ashe
    Coop Vs. TAKES Caitlyn
    Coop Vs. TAKES Ezreal
    Coop Vs. TAKES Graves
    Coop Vs. TAKES Jinx
    Coop Vs. TAKES Jhin
    Coop Vs. TAKES Kayle
    Coop Vs. TAKES Kog'Maw
    Coop Vs. TAKES Lucian
    Coop Vs. TAKES Miss Fortune
    Coop Vs. TAKES sivir
    Coop Vs. TAKES Teemo
    Coop Vs. TAKES Tristana
    Coop Vs. TAKES Vayne

    Coop Vs. TAKES Alistar
    Coop Vs. TAKES Luxury
    Coop Vs. TAKES Morgana
    Coop Vs. TAKES Nami
    Coop Vs. TAKES Nunu
    Coop Vs. TAKES Soraka
    Coop Vs. TAKES Taric
    Coop Vs. TAKES Zilean
    Coop Vs. TAKES Zyra

    Coop Vs. TAKES Amumu
    Coop Vs. TAKES Blitzcrank
    Coop Vs. TAKES Cho'Gath
    Coop Vs. TAKES Darius
    Coop Vs. TAKES Dr. World
    Coop Vs. TAKES Gallium
    Coop Vs. TAKES Leona
    Coop Vs. TAKES malphite
    Coop Vs. TAKES Rammus
    Coop Vs. TAKES Shen
    Coop Vs. TAKES Sion

    Bot behavior

    Bots have different behaviors and advantages depending on the selected difficulty. Some behaviors are standard, regardless of difficulty selected. Most notably, bots will not seal or chase creep upgrades, although bots on the Twisted Treeline map will actively acquire pad and altar upgrades located around the map. The other universal behavior is a faster revive time if killed. Bots will occasionally chat at the beginning and end of games.


    • The bots wait a few minutes before joining the battle.
    • The bots only buy boots and dorans items.
    • Bots react much slower when it comes to escaping due to low health or skill usage.


    • The bot pool has less variation, as the game is based on a smaller selection of champions.
    • The bots use less advanced tactics and are not launched as effectively.
    • The bots do not receive any rune or domain bonuses, or some kind of equivalent.
    • The bots don't use any summoner spells, despite equipping 2.


    • Bots don't need a line of sight to target their abilities. For example, if a nearby enemy bot or minion sees you enter the bushes, the enemy bots can target that bush directly for several seconds (as if it were protected). This differs from human opponents who would have to face bush control (if unprotected) to use direct target abilities.
    • The bots will use more advanced tactics. This includes switching champions on lanes, attempting to gank often, or more rarely attempting to push a lane with three champions in the first ten minutes.
    • Bots will keep earning items even if they were hungry for gold in a lane. This suggests that they earn items based on level or have increased gold over time.
    • Bots do not have masteries.
    • The bots will wear alternate champion skins, which can cause confusion.
    • Bots will actively use summoner spells like ignite, heal, drain, and ghosts, but will rarely teleport.  


    Co-op vs. AI was first announced on the League of Legends website on January 20, 2011, as a new game mode intended to demonstrate a more difficult challenge and training method for players rather than just the bots available through of the custom game option.

    A fight was announced on February 4 showing a fight between some of the new bots against mid-level Riot employees that will take place on February 9. This battle was streamed via Own3d, and resulted in a close (and incomplete) victory for the Bots.

    It was meant to be released the week after patch, but it was delayed because European servers weren't ready to take on the increased stress that the gameplay could cause.

    It was finally released on Thursday, March 10. It supported two difficulty settings, Beginner and Intermediate, and a group of 12 bots available only in Summoner's Rift.

    Rise of the Bots update

    On January 24, 2012, Riot released a news post announcing an update to the Co-op vs. AI. This update was rolled out on February 1, 2012 with patch New features and updates include the following:

    • Smarter bots with greater map knowledge, ability to use skill shots, as well as more summoner spells and active items.
    • Removed flat IP penalty for Co-op versus AI games Rewards have also been changed to make the mode more attractive.
    • Increased bot list from 12 to 40. Also, more champions are added regularly in later patches.

    AI Bots Update

    This update was rolled out on April 16, 2014, within patch 4.5. New features and updates include the following:

    • Improved evaluation of enemy and friendly force.
    • Better understanding of tower mechanics and power.
    • Improved behaviors under high threat.
    • Improved lane rotation decision making.
    • Improved last hit with auto attacks both when working normally and when pushing.
    • Lane behaviors (bullying versus farming, etc.) are now more in line with human behaviors.
    • Bots now try to dodge some skill shots.
    • Beginner bots now build recommended items, while intermediate bots now make more advanced item choices.
    • Bots now scan their surroundings at varying rates depending on the difficulty setting and threat level in the game.
      • Beginner bots now scan at roughly a third of the frequency they used to, while intermediate bots scan between 50% and 100% as often, depending on how threatened they are.

    Additionally, the developers made a blog post to explain the reasoning behind the changes.


    1. ↑ AI roles classification.
     v · e Game modes
    • Classic 5v5
      (Coop Vs. TAKES Summoner Crack)
    • Classic 3v3
      (Coop Vs. TAKES The Twisted Forest)
    • ARAM
      (Coop Vs. TAKES Howling Abyss)
    • Teamfight Tactics (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • All at random (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Cooperative vs. IA
    • Classic 5v5 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic 3v3 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Tutorial (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Battle Training (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Practice Tool (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Rotation Game Modes
    • Ascension (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Definitely not the Dominion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Black Star (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Cursed Bots of Death (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hexakill (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hunt for the blood moonCoop Vs. TAKES)
    • Invasion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Legend of King Poro (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Siege of the Nexus (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Odyssey: Extraction (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • One for all (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • OVERLOAD (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • ARURF Snow Battle (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Snowdown Showdown (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Ultra Fast and Fierce (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Eraser Type
    • All random (ARAM / Custom)
    • Blind Rose (Normal / Custom)
    • Selection Project (Normal / Classified / Custom)
    • Tournament Draft (Custom / Tournament / Competitive)
    • Blind With Bans (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Majority vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Roulette vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Banless Draft (PBE)
    Withdrawn / Canceled
    • All random Summoner's Rift (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Black Market Fighters (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Murder Bridge (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic 5v5 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Dominion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hexakill (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Nemesis (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Frenzy in the Nexus
    • Confrontation (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Team Builder (Coop Vs. TAKES)
     v · e Game modes
    • Classic 5v5
      (Coop Vs. TAKES Summoner Crack)
    • Classic 3v3
      (Coop Vs. TAKES The Twisted Forest)
    • ARAM
      (Coop Vs. TAKES Howling Abyss)
    • Teamfight Tactics (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • All at random (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Cooperative vs. IA
    • Classic 5v5 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic 3v3 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Tutorial (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Battle Training (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Practice Tool (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Rotation Game Modes
    • Ascension (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Definitely not the Dominion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Black Star (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Cursed Bots of Death (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hexakill (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hunt for the blood moonCoop Vs. TAKES)
    • Invasion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Legend of King Poro (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Siege of the Nexus (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Odyssey: Extraction (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • One for all (Coop Vs. TAKES/Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • OVERLOAD (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • ARURF Snow Battle (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Snowdown Showdown (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Ultra Fast and Fierce (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    Eraser Type
    • All random (ARAM / Custom)
    • Blind Rose (Normal / Custom)
    • Selection Project (Normal / Classified / Custom)
    • Tournament Draft (Custom / Tournament / Competitive)
    • Blind With Bans (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Majority vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Roulette vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Banless Draft (PBE)
    Withdrawn / Canceled
    • All random Summoner's Rift (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Black Market Fighters (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Murder Bridge (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic 5v5 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Dominion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hexakill (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Nemesis (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Frenzy in the Nexus
    • Confrontation (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Team Builder (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • All random (ARAM / Custom)
    • Blind Rose (Normal / Custom)
    • Selection Project (Normal / Classified / Custom)
    • Tournament Draft (Custom / Tournament / Competitive)
    • Blind With Bans (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Majority vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Roulette vote (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Banless Draft (PBE)
    • All random Summoner's Rift (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Black Market Fighters (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Murder Bridge (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Classic 5v5 (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Dominion (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Hexakill (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Nemesis (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Frenzy in the Nexus
    • Confrontation (Coop Vs. TAKES)
    • Team Builder (Coop Vs. TAKES)

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