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    Targeted targeting

    Targeted targeting

    Targeted targeting Braum and the targeted targeting of Targeted targeting Rigor of Winter.

    La targeted targeting is a targeting paradigm in League of Legends that specifies that skills that use it require input of an address to be used. The term is often used skill shot to refer to projectile-based skills with a directed targeting, such as Targeted targeting Mystic Shot of Targeted targeting Ezreal.

    This type of targeting differs from ground targeting in that these abilities interact with the entire length of the ability's range, rather than with a specified destination within range. Most targeted targeting abilities have transfer effects along a line of effect (in the case of projectiles and lunges), and can interact with each unit hit (referred to as "penetrating" effects) or only with the first unit hit (collision effects). However, some of these abilities affect the entire area in one go (predominantly cones). A directed targeting ability does not need to originate from the castor, as in the case of Targeted targeting Order: Attack of Targeted targeting Orianna. Whether such an ability causes an area of ​​effect or not (such as Targeted targeting Ice Shard of Targeted targeting Lissandra) does not affect the targeting type classification.

    They are divided into subsets based on the extent of the area of ​​effect they occupy. Almost all targeted targeting abilities in League of Legends are linear (rectangular, commonly called skill shots) or conical, the only exceptions being Crescent Strike Crescent Strike of Targeted targeting Diana, which is curved, and Targeted targeting Sword of Torment Targeted targeting Aatrox, which is a reverse cone. A few abilities can be combinations of both where two or more linear ability shots combine to form a like, such as Targeted targeting Download of Targeted targeting Ashe.


    • Targeted targeting Sword of Torment Targeted targeting Aatrox
    • Targeted targeting Orb of Deception Targeted targeting Ahri y Targeted targeting Charm
    • Targeted targeting Launch of Bandages Targeted targeting Amumu
    • Targeted targeting Icy flash of Targeted targeting Anivia
    • Targeted targeting Download of Targeted targeting Ashe y Targeted targeting Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    • Targeted targeting Rocket Grip Targeted targeting Blitzcrank
    • Targeted targeting Scorch from Targeted targeting Brand
    • Targeted targeting Winter's Rigor of Targeted targeting Brew y Targeted targeting Glacial Fissure
    • Targeted targeting Piltover Peacemaker of Targeted targeting Caitlyn y Targeted targeting Red Caliber 90
    • Targeted targeting Valkyrie of Targeted targeting Corki and Targeted targeting Missile Discharge
    • Targeted targeting Infected Blade of Targeted targeting Dr. World
    • Targeted targeting Get away from Targeted targeting trot y Targeted targeting Rolling Death
    • Targeted targeting Cocoon of Targeted targeting Elise
    • Targeted targeting Mystic Shot of Targeted targeting Ezreal, Targeted targeting Essence Flow and Targeted targeting Accurate Shots Download
    • Targeted targeting Shark Bait Targeted targeting Fizz
    • Righteous Burst Righteous Burst of Targeted targeting Gallium
    • Targeted targeting stone of Targeted targeting Gnar, Targeted targeting Boomerang, Targeted targeting Crush and Targeted targeting GNAR!
    • Targeted targeting Tummy Throw Targeted targeting Gragas
    • Targeted targeting Quick Shot of Targeted targeting Graves and Targeted targeting Collateral damage
    • Targeted targeting Avalanche of Shadows of Targeted targeting hecarim
    • Transcendent Blades Transcendent Blades of Targeted targeting Irelia
    • Targeted targeting Howling Gale of Targeted targeting Janna
    • Targeted targeting Dragon Strike Targeted targeting Jarvan IV
    • Targeted targeting Electric discharge of Targeted targeting Jayce
    • Targeted targeting Sparks! from Targeted targeting Jinx and Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Mortal Rocket!
    • Targeted targeting Internal Flame of Targeted targeting Karma and Targeted targeting spiritual glow
    • Targeted targeting Shuriken Trueno de Targeted targeting Kennan
    • Targeted targeting Void Spikes of Targeted targeting Kha'Zix
    • Targeted targeting Caustic drool of Targeted targeting Kog'Maw y Targeted targeting Flushing Void
    • Targeted targeting Ethereal Chains of Targeted targeting The White
    • Targeted targeting Sonic wave Targeted targeting Read without
    • Targeted targeting Sword of the Zenith of Targeted targeting Leona
    • Targeted targeting Ice Shard of Targeted targeting Lissandra y Targeted targeting Glacial Trail
    • Targeted targeting Burning Glow of Targeted targeting Lucian, Targeted targeting Relentless Pursuit and Targeted targeting The sacrifice
    • Targeted targeting Shining Spell of Targeted targeting Lux, Targeted targeting Prismatic Barrier and Targeted targeting Final Spark
    • Arcane Crush Arcane Crush of Targeted targeting Maokai
    • Targeted targeting Dark Spell of Targeted targeting Morgana
    • Targeted targeting Tidal wave Targeted targeting Nami
    • Targeted targeting Dredging Line Targeted targeting Nautilus
    • Targeted targeting Javelin Targeted targeting Nidalee
    • Targeted targeting Duskbringer of Targeted targeting nocturne
    • Targeted targeting Marine Current of Targeted targeting Olaf
    • Targeted targeting Order: Attack of Targeted targeting Orianna
    • Targeted targeting Blinding Attack of Targeted targeting Quinn
    • Targeted targeting Boleadoras Targeted targeting Rengar and Boleadoras Boleadoras Boleadoras Boleadoras
    • Targeted targeting Value of Targeted targeting Riven
    • Targeted targeting Electric Harpoon of Targeted targeting Rumble and Targeted targeting The Balancer
    • Targeted targeting Arctic Assault of Targeted targeting Sejuani y Targeted targeting Glacial Prison
    • Targeted targeting Shadow Attack of Targeted targeting Shen
    • Targeted targeting Fire Breath of Targeted targeting Shyvana (human form) and Targeted targeting Descendant of the Dragon
    • Targeted targeting Boomerang blade Targeted targeting sivir
    • Targeted targeting Fracture of Targeted targeting Skarner
    • Targeted targeting growing from Targeted targeting Sona
    • Targeted targeting Death Sentence of Targeted targeting Thresh y Targeted targeting Peel
    • Targeted targeting Rotary Slash of Targeted targeting Tryndamere
    • Acid Hunter Acid Hunter Targeted targeting Urgot
    • Targeted targeting Piercing Arrow of Targeted targeting Varus y Targeted targeting Chain of Corruption
    • Targeted targeting Plasma Fission of Targeted targeting Vel'Koz, Targeted targeting Void Rift and Targeted targeting Disintegrating Ray of Living Things
    • Targeted targeting Vaultbreaker of Targeted targeting Vi
    • Targeted targeting Death Ray of Targeted targeting Viktor
    • Targeted targeting Arcane Pulse of Targeted targeting Xerath y Targeted targeting Orbital Impact
    • Targeted targeting Tempest of Steel Targeted targeting Yasuo and Targeted targeting Wall of wind
    • Stretch Strike Stretch Strike Targeted targeting Zac
    • Targeted targeting Navaja Shuriken de Targeted targeting Zed
    • Targeted targeting Trapping Roots of Targeted targeting Zyra


    • Targeted targeting Incinerate from Targeted targeting Annie
    • Targeted targeting Petrifying Gaze of Targeted targeting Cassiopeia
    • Targeted targeting Wild Scream of Targeted targeting Cho'Gath
    • Targeted targeting Cannon repeating Targeted targeting Daughters
    • Targeted targeting Apprehend from Targeted targeting Darius
    • Plomazo Plomazo de Targeted targeting Graves
    • Targeted targeting Pulse force Targeted targeting Kassadin
    • Targeted targeting Shooting of Targeted targeting Miss Fortune
    • Siphon of Destruction Siphon of Destruction Targeted targeting Mordekaiser
    • Targeted targeting Claw of Targeted targeting Nidalee
    • Buscacorazones Blow Buscacorazones Blow by Targeted targeting Pantheon
    • Targeted targeting Wind Cut Targeted targeting Riven
    • Targeted targeting Fire Breath of Targeted targeting Shyvana (Dragon form)
    • Targeted targeting Disperse the Weak of Targeted targeting Syndra
    • Targeted targeting Raking of Targeted targeting Heel
    • Targeted targeting Phoenix's position Targeted targeting Udyr (Lingering effect)


    • Targeted targeting Download of Targeted targeting Ashe
    • Targeted targeting Hextech micro rocket Targeted targeting Heimerdinger y Targeted targeting Hextech Rocket Swarm
    • Targeted targeting Evolved Spikes from Targeted targeting Kha'Zix
    • Targeted targeting Glitter Spear of Targeted targeting Lulu
    • Targeted targeting Disperse the Weak of Targeted targeting Syndra (combined with Dark Spheres)
    • Targeted targeting Wildcards Targeted targeting Twisted fate
    • Targeted targeting Navaja Shuriken de Targeted targeting Zed (combined with a Shadow)

    Champion abilities
    Types of targeting

    Self-directed · Terrestrial · Own · directed · Unitary

    Effect types
    Aura Flash Buff Crowd Control Damage Displacement Weakening Healing On-Hit Effects Pet Shield Vision

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